Are you tired of pressing icons and not having the right action take place?
Are you frustrated beyond belief when you cannot press the corner icons...

OR cannot drag that slider without your stylus, which most of us lose?
Finnally, do you feel like throwing your TP2 across room(!)

at your Android friend,

when they bragg about their screen that they press so effortlessly?
Looks like time for a new phone, right
Well to prolong the life of my TP2, so I could make it till my upgrade,
I decided to make a cab to try to address this problem..

tested, retested countless settings, 27 registry edits in all.
Now, I can finally press things with my finger and it will do what I want.

I have also made some setting changes in HTC Sense and Opera,
to make the phone more buttery smoothness.
Just install cab, AND reset..
Try and let me know what you think!
EDIT: will post slimmer cabs for those not needing Sense or Opera smoothness..
updated version in "Tweak2" cab for fatter finger and more sensitivity..
Tweak3-discovered and adjusted HTC overlay Transitions
Tweak4-increased HTC overlay transition response
Tweak5-increase GLYPHCACHE for faster flo
Tweak6-adjust HTC AnimationRadio
Tweak7-adjust HTC RepaintTime
Tweak8-Lighter FingerTouch sensitivity, increase speed
Tweak9-HTC Album finger and speed tweaks, easier flicking in Sense, more sensitivity overall
Best 10-Fix Gsensor battery drainage, Fix Hyper-Sensitivity in OperaMini. Best cab..
MaxedMega 11 cab:
new keyboard fingering setting adjustments for less mistakes.
increased sensitivity adjustments
recalibrated settings to stabalize the increase
more finger flicking response in HTC
better stability when dragging, because of slight increase in finger pixel range.
MaxedMega12-Ugg! I inadvertently disabled rotation! (Opera&mini), Fixed to normal rotation settings.
MaxedMegaa13-remove all rotation tweaks except opera which I believe is default
Use "" !
below for latest and hopefully last time I'll mess with this...
Reset after install.
Remember these settings are for TP2 and MAYBY any similar device that has same size screen only!
UPDATE: Works on TP1
Also, only recomeded screen protector is "Bestskinsever".
As of 6/9/2011 is is the best at touch response and feel..