Originally Posted by deegimus
I'm also getting the impression that Cookie 2.0 is at the root of all the bugs and lockups... I had very few issues with 1.85.
NRG, Please offer versions with the older Cookie 1.85!!
Thanks for all your efforts!
Really? ya think? (agreed in part that cookie is probably causing issues) lol... I'm gonna post this again :>))
DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>)) Like this guy: #
42 or this one:
EDIT: I have been running overclocked since yesterday morning w/o charging and no reboots. Still have 120 mb ram free and 49% battery life left. Unbelievable!
Why not dump cookie, double RAM & see if your problems go away?! There's only been like 10 posts in the last 10 days blaming Cookie 2 & I didn't write any of them...
Yea, try the NRG sense ROM's or titanium... let us know your results...
Originally Posted by KIOWA69
All this from an EVO guy? :>))
Great to see you didn't dump us for good! LOL
It's bad enough you got an EVO, but you're actually getting rid of the TP2...
*edit* also... just got off the phone with a buddy, he has both.. here's his words for what it's worth...
Epic, twice the battery life, 2x processing power, can run 10apps doesn't slow down his wifes EVO does, & Epic screen is much brighter...
He said the only drawback: EVO comes with 2.2, Epic comes with 2.1 but due out in next couple of months..
Re. your earlier post, yea... should sell easy @ that price (based on what the others sold theirs for.... good luck!
*edit* by the way, NRG just did a fly by.. dropped a pm... gone (so he may have seen the 1.8.5 plea..)