Originally Posted by pdappcgeek
One more thing I can think of right now...
NRG, you're probably already 10 (or more) steps ahead of me, but:
Are the temporary cht 2.0 beta stability fixes (published by cht dev over on the xda thread) already being cooked in? If not can include them in the next rom?
The fixes consist of manilla files to overwrite into the windows directory.
they're are two files to install and you will know if they are in rom when you copry over to windows folder.
If already in, it will ask to overwrite.
If not, they never was.
I noticed it helps alot when you are editing homecreen,
So you dont get any more strange behavior,
so now I don't have to go in and out of editing after every little change.
Other benefits/enhancements in his post :
xda-developers - View Single Post - [Manila][04-Oct-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta
this Opera doesn't let me use past in java script to insert that link into a word..