Version 5.1 Change Log
-Update WM build to 29020.
-Updated moTweets to v2.0.
-Updated Total Commander to v2.52 B3.
-Updated Meltwater's Facebook Tab to newest version.
-Updated UC Web to v7.7.
-Removed daFunk's taskbar icons.
-Removed Netflix Mobile Manager.
-Removed SharkieROM additional sounds cab. See THIS post if you'd like them back.
-Removed all except default +2 wallpapers.
-Removed Kimi-style WM messaging bubbles.
-Added Dark Ninja's Android Taskbar Icons.
-Added "Screen Off" to Action Links cab.
-Added ClearTemp.
-Added Meltwater's RSS Feed Tab v3.0 B2.
-Added new set of Settings Tab icons.
-Small artwork changes and modifications throughout.
-Twitter Tab is disabled by default. Please read THIS post for more info.
All SharkieROMs are Titanium free. I don't use Titanium. I don't like Titanium and I have absolutely no interest in cooking Titanium.
I like a ROM that's simple yet beautiful. That's something I've always kept in my head as I've built ROMs. Hopefully this is reflected in my ROMs. My goal is to provide an aesthetically pleasing yet simple, stable and fast base for the user to build upon. I feel I've accomplished this.
My ROMs are not ultra-slimmed down nor are they bulging with programs. I feel I've found a nice medium ground with regards to how much I've included in the ROMs.
Many Thanks To:
kjhadfield, mcluvntheboss, steveo70 and kozmo for being most excellent beta ROM testers!
My fellow RZ boys
Lat and
Jbradthomas for always being there to answer my dumb questions and provide insight. Just when I thought I was all alone in my RZ kitchen efforts, these guys kept it going. Without these two, this ROM would not be possible.
PPCGeeks Collaboration Kitchen Peeps (The kitchen I used to build these ROMs)
Calkulin, smiznith, William_Fold, Vinn255764, rstoyguy, ai6908, welrope, MWalt2, nrfitchett4, Sc00b4s7eve, TMartin, Formula84, steve070, Timberwolf671, lionedas, hthomas, |||bored|||, shane6374, Zaphod-Beeblebrox, captblaze, piranah, dwizzy130, willysp, leadpoizon and many others in thread. They are responsible for supplying most of the packages in my ROMs as well as throwing tons and tons of knowledge my way. Without them, this ROM would not be possible.
Also much love to RaidZero, Rootlinux, Zombiexxx, darren.wlsn1, Santod, Indagroove, Kliptik, Captain_Throwback, bobbyblack, kjhadfield, kdjameson, sh4d0w86, Maxx134 and many others for the general sharing of their knowledge and work and for enlightening me with new ideas.
SharkieROM Thread Peeps
I also just wanted to say
Thank You to all those in my thread who have helped me and pushed me to further my ROM cooking skills. I feel like this ROM has become a ROM for the people! It's been molded by your suggestions, comments, concerns and insights into the masterpiece that I feel it is now. You all ROCK!
In general, I'd also like to thank, and for all the fantastic help I've received.
Included Apps, Tweaks, Mods and links to their threads.
It is highly recommended that you "TASK29" before flashing any custom ROM.
Official 6.5.X v5.1 SharkieROMs are built with WindowsMobile Build 29020.
Official 6.5 v5.1 SharkieROMs are built with WindowsMobile Build 21916.
The only difference between the Sprint and Generic ROMs is that the Sprint ROMs have the Sprint Navigation and Sprint TV tabs. You will need to run a carrier provisioning cab no matter which ROM you download.
You can find carrier provisioning cabs for several carriers in Start Menu\System Tools\Carrier Provisioning or you can install your own carrier cab.
Don't forget to check post #2 for some cool add-ons and more SharkieROM options!
6.5.X Sprint SharkieROM v5.1
6.5.X Generic SharkieROM v5.1
SharkieROM v5.1 KITCHEN
Includes "Sharkiefied" WM build 29022 packages.
Some helpful kitchen how to's:
Graphic Bugs
The 6.5.X ROMs have the phone canvas scrollbar and incoming call screen being slightly misaligned issues. I know that there are fixes and I've tried several of them and none of them worked for me. I could use another phone canvas, but this one is by far my favorite. I've put a lot of work into skinning it, which while it's fun, is a pain in the ass. So it is what it is, perhaps I'll revisit this again, perhaps not. We'll see...
Known Issues
The XDA UC link in Start Menu\System Tools will only work until you soft reset your phone for the first time after your initial flash.Again, XDA UC will only work until you soft reset your phone for the first time after your initial flash.
Once you soft reset, both the link and the XDA UC.mscr file in \Windows are dead. I'm not sure why this happens, but it is what it is. I can't figure this one out. So one more time...
XDA UC will only work until you soft reset your phone for the first time after your initial flash.
Co0kie's Home Tab
CHT contains the back/rewind button from the Music tabs controls. I'm not sure why, but I assume it was necessary. As you can see I've skinned my music control. I also had to skin the back/rewind button that is in CHT for the music player widget to look correct. Because of this, if you install another CHT cab (not the one provided in this ROM), your music player back/rewind button will not match the other two buttons. It will be stock button.
Your choices are to use my stock music player controls cab to return the music player controls to stock at which point they will match any non skinned CHT cab, use Sharkie's CHT Music Player -Back- Button cab to make any CHT match my Music Player controls or just stick to using the CHT cab provided in the ROM.
I've also posted a "Stock Music Player Controls" cab in the 2nd post for anyone who doesn't like my skin. Remember, you'll need to use both the CHT stock Back (if you're using my copy of CHT) and the Stock Music Player if you want to totally revert to the stock music player controls.
My copy of CHT also contains partial "s2w's SimplicityWorks-SharkieBlue" skins along with some other skinning that I've done.
If you don't like it, you can install other skins on top of it or uninstall my copy of CHT and install your own. Remember though, you'll need to install my Sharkie's CHT -Back-, to get the music player to fully match mine if you use another CHT cab.
Removing RSS Feed
To those of you that don't use CHT and/or those of you that use CHT v1.8.5,
If you don't use CHT and you don't like the RSS Feed on the home page or you use CHT v1.8.5 (which doesn't work with the RSS Feed on the home page), you can disable it. Go to \My Device\Cabs\Remove RSS Feed.
Inside that directory you'll find a cab entitled "MobileUnderground.Info - RSS Feed Disable". As the title suggests, many thanks to Indagroove over at MUI for providing this cab to us. The cab is easily uninstallable. So, should you decide that you would like the RSS Feed back, just uninstall it!
What's Removable??
So people are like, "Hey Sharkie, you should make a lite ROM!" Then I'm like "But, I like my ROM! I don't want to strip it down!?!?" What I have done for those of you who are looking to save some more space is make several apps and such install as cabs at boot up rather than cooking the actual files in the ROM. This way you can remove these apps via Start Menu\System Tools\Remove Programs. The following are uninstallable should you so choose:
Opera 9.7
Resco Explorer
UC Web Browser
Youtube links (This is an app that links any youtube link to the YouTube app instead of opening up the browser to play the video. NOTE: This app is primarily made up of registry settings. If you install another browser it will overwrite part of the YouTube Links registry settings and it will no longer work. You will need to reinstall YouTube Links after installing another browser in order for YouTube Links to work again.)
Sharkie405's Sense Tab Links
Sharkie405's Action Links
Co0kie's Home Tab
Sharkie-Blue DINIK SIP Skin (aedon Ed.)
Should you want\need to reinstall any of these cabs, you can find links to them in \My Device\Cabs.
If you are unfamiliar with 'uTask', check out
THIS post for a quick tutorial on how it works.
And... Of course, the legal disclaimer...
I'm not responsible for your phone. Flash this ROM at your own risk, blah blah blah...
Don't worry, it's all good!
I think that's it for now...

Due to adult language,
this ROM is rated