Originally Posted by bondosho
If you don't want to restart your phone every 7 minutes, I highly suggest the Standard Energy rom. It's very fast, and after it settles for a while, it's very stable. CHT should have never been ported to the TP2, or possibly ever created. IMHO, it's a worthless homescreen mod. Seriously, do I need 5 screens with a clock?
Well, you ARE entitled to your opinion. But I think you are stretching the "restart your phone every 7 minutes" a bit.. well, heck, a WHOLE LOT.
Seriously? Every 7 minutes? I think you may have a problem with yuor phone or some other application that you are running. Possibly a bad flash.
I'm running NRG with CHT and have also run Dinik and it performs flawlessly for me. In fact, on the current CHT I have only reset once or twice by choice in order to troubleshoot for another user.
So seriously, I think you are exaggerating just a weeee bit.