Originally Posted by Maxx134
Currently I am focusing on the area in registry which is controlling suspend:
After changing values and not getting desired results, I just deleted this key and reset, then overclock with "NetRipper's" app HERE:
dword is :
"Default" = 3
I deleted it.
This is prob premature to say, but so far good results, no error on wakeup, lockup or SOD...
After reports from other users at XDA and
After more testing I also experience a crash notice after wakeup,
So I just went bold and deleted the only folder in that same directory:
It the folder i stated before, labeled with a long string value, and has one dword reg key labeled "Default" inside.
I am assuming it is a profile setting for the device to suspend.
I haven't had a crash notice since, unless I clock at highest speed.
The unit always reverts to normal clock speed on wakeup, but at least no notice of application crash, AND no more SOD (for me).
If anyone care to try, they may want to save the folder name if they want to revert,
but the dword labeled "default" inside& outside the folder is easy to make again.
So in all I deleted one folder and 2 dwords.
Dunno about other devices, but hope that helps.