Originally Posted by jfaerr
Thank you very much for the reply!
No problem. That's what this site is all about, we are all here to help each other.
One thing to keep in mind, sometimes people don't reply simply because they don't have the answer your looking for...
Originally Posted by jfaerr
Would it be a waste of time to reflash back to stock, relock, unlock, and reflash back to WM6.5 again? I am assuming there is no way to correct the bootloader without reflashing?
If your experiencing an issue that no one else can duplicate or help you resolve, then it would not be a waste of time to completely restore back to factory settings as that is what you would need to do anyway in order to get it exchanged or repaired...
Originally Posted by jfaerr
Strangely enough, the problem seems to have corrected itself...
ok.... well that is strange... but at least it's working for ya...
Originally Posted by jfaerr
Thanks for the help anyways puff! Hopefully things won't change in the next little while.
Again, no problem...