Originally Posted by tjmontan
Maxx not sure the answer as i am still just learning this stuff but I dowloaded one of the cabs on post 2 and it did not look right? When you downloaded from post 1 did you have to do anything to your phone..i.e. delete things etc..I will just follow your steps since you have it working properly..thanks
Install main cab in post 1 for the main Dialer...
Then, IF YOU LIKE (OPTIONAL), install a second cab in post two, for skinning the phone number buttons(dialpad) ...
Select any ONE according to whichever type of buttons you like :
Glossy- normal size or large
flat- normal size or large
I did not post cabs here so
cmylxgo excellent work can be thanked in his thread
Edit: Installing this dialer is to replace existing problem in which some users had a delay on the "Slide-to-answer" pickup..