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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 12:25 PM
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Cool {{Manila Mod}}[12-Nov-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 - Final Released

[Manila][12-Nov-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 - Final Released
While very cool, HTC Sense can be pretty limiting in the way of user customization. Co0kie’s Home Tab (CHT) is a modification for Sense 2.5 that completely replaces the existing home tab and brings lots of new features and customization options.

Please read all the instructions and user manual carefully before posting questions.

Everything you need to know is in the first few posts of this thread:
Post 1: Introduction, news, download
Post 2: Important notes
Post 3: FAQ, troubleshooting, known issues and fixes
Post 4: Addon widgets and other downloads
Post 5: Tehnical reference
Post 6: Development resources
Thanks to MichelDiamond for way too many things to actually list, but here are some: chtstate that gives CHT access to system states and notifications, chttask that makes the tasks widget possible, the simply amazing CHTScheduler and his great all around support.
Thanks to johncmolyneux for his creating CHTEditor, and thanks to the guys currently helping me maintain CHTEditor: MichelDiamond, CLHatch, Tumys.
Thanks to Tumys for making the HVGA port of CHT.
Thanks to santod040 for his great graphics work and awesome support.
Thanks to JMHL for JMLToday - parts of which are used in CHT.
Thanks to Kisja & amarullz for their original work on the Manila Locker.
Thanks to CLHatch and dafunk2 for their graphics.
Thanks to CHT beta team (in alphabetical order): 12aon, CLHatch, caliban2, dafunk2, madindehead, Mariad, MaxCF, MichelDiamond, mike2nl, mkucuksari, mwalt2, myslee_ovi, santod040, Steve0007
Thanks to all the members of the CHT Development feedback group.
Thanks to everyone in the CHTS Beta Group.

CHT v2.0.0 Final released. Posts about v2.0.0 Final start from number
Read this post about general information about the final, upgrading info and changes.

CHT v2.0 Public Beta released.
About v2.0.0 Final:
CHT version v2.0.0 bring major changes. Most of the mod has been rewritten from the ground up, every line of code has been looked over and optimized for speed. Lots of new features have also been added along with an addon widget framework. Generally the mod is more configurable than ever.
You must uninstall any previous version of CHT and soft reset before installing this one.

A new version of CHTEditor is also available: CHTEditor v2.0.0.0 final - you must use the final version of CHTEditor with CHT 2.0 final.
There is no backward compatiblity with versions 1.x.x, so you can't import old CHTE 1.x settings files.
But you can import saved files from 2.0 beta into 2.0 final. Similarly, future versions will be compatile going forward, so you will be able to import your 2.0.0 settings into any 2.x.x version.

If you're upgrading from v2.0 beta, read this post.

Here are the highlights of what's new in v2.0.0. A full list of changes is very quite large and you should read the user manual to find out all that's possible.
These are just highlights, but I know you'll discover the details by reading the manual and of course while exploring the home tab itself
- left/right sliding pages confgurable from 1 to 7 pages (separately configurable for portrait, landscape and lockscreen)
- redesidned softkey area, bottom menu and tab slider (tap and hold the slider button, don't just tap and release)
- quick links can be configured in any row by column layout
- new links that are can be freely moved anywhere on the screen (free links - add from popup menu)
- free links have a slide-to-launch feature on the lockscreen
- more widgets: email, sms, RSS, weather, clocks (digital, flip and analog)
- widgets can be pinned into place and some can be freely resized
- addon widget framework: widgets can be made by anyone and installed as an addon cab
Requirements and Compatibility:
Manila (Sense) 2.5 on a WVGA or VGA device is required. For HVGA an additional port cab needs to be installed - see this thread.
While the mod will run on any OS version, the CHT lockscreen that comes with the base cab requires Windows Mobile 6.5 or higher to work. For WM6.1 see the CHT lockscreen alternative addon cab below.
Starting with v1.8.5 .Net 3.5 is also required. You can download it here.

The mod is not compatible with other larger Manila mods (like MaxManila or MaxSense). Smaller home tab mods (like transparency) and mods that don't affect the home tab are fine.
CHT has built in wallpaper controls so bg4all mods or the hq wallpaper patch are no longer compatible (they are built in).

Manila 2.5 subversion compatibility is as follows:
2.5.1920, 2.5.1921, 2.5.1922, 2.5.2011, 2.5.2012, 2.5.2013, 2.5.2014, 2.5.2015, 2.5.2016, 2.5.2017, 2.5.2018, 2.5.2019

NOT compatible:
Nothing for now.

To check your Manila version: go to the settings tab in Sense, scroll down, select "About phone", and then "Software Information".
(If those options aren't available on your settings tab that means you have a Sense version that is older than 2.5.)
If you have any problems with this mod please report your full Manila version (e.g. 2.5.xxxxxxxx), the device and ROM you are using.
Download the cab and run it on your device.
If you have a problem installing it, try turning off Sense (All Settings -> Today), installing the cab and then turning Sense back on.

The base cab contains only the English languages. If your device uses a different language you will need to also install the CHT language pack found below.
If you are running WM6.1 and wish to use the lockscreen feature of CHT, you will need to install the WM6.1 lockscreen addon cab, also found below.
Language Pack
The language pack currently (revision 2) contains the following languages:
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Greek, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Hebrew.

Thanks to the translators: saleemhd, BoneMo, harfot, jolas, jibotella, L_o_k_i, p34cdc2, tuniel, nike2nl, Jack_Surfer, daguigto, kane159, Som30ne.
More CHT
All CHT settings can be configured using CHTEditor.
Schedule and switch the look of your home screen and device settings using CHTScheduler.
Find some cool artwork here: CHT Artwork.
For HVGA users: CHT HVGA port.
Download Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0

Download the CHT v2.0.0 User Manual

Download more widgets: Addon widgets

Download non-English languages: CHT language pack

If you like my work:
This mod is completely free and donations are not expected, but always appreciated.
Attached Files :
CHT_v2.0.0_Lockscreen_WM6.1.cab 4.9 KB
Co0kie.HomeTab_v2.0.0.cab 784.6 KB
CHT_v2.0.0_LanguagePack_R2.cab 124.8 KB
CHT_v2.0.0_UserManual.zip 117.7 KB

~My Ultimate WVGA Wallpapers Collection~
Donations accepted not expected!

Last edited by santod; 11-12-2010 at 09:32 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 12:25 PM
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Important Notes

Section 2: Important notes

About exchange policies:
If you use exchange and have exchange policies applied to your device, this mod might not work for you. It depends on the type of policies which are enforced.
Some will not allow existing files to be replaced, which this mod requires. Others allow it and it will work.
You can try installing it - if it doesn't work it can be completely removed without a problem.
In case it doesn't work, your only option to get it working with your exchange policies is to flash a ROM with the mod cooked in.
About the CHT lockscreen:
The CHT lock screen does not support any PIN code or password protected unlocking.
Remove any unlock codes before turning on the CHT lockscreen or you will be permanently locked out of your device and you'll have to do a hard reset.
If you are using a gsensor app to automatically rotate the screen and you have it to always rotate, you should add the class "CHTLockscreen" to the exception list.
If you don't have the rotation app set rotate everything, but only a list of desired programs, then you don't have anything to worry about.
If you need to lock the CHT lockscreen externally, you can do it with this: "\Windows\CHT_Helper.exe -lock"

CHT lockscreen for WM6.1:
I've prepated an addon cab with an alternative CHT lockscreen for WM6.1 users.
Installing the addon cab will revert the CHT lockscreen to the older lock system used in v1.7.x. The downside of this is that the old lock system carries with it some flaws:
on some devices it might not lock all hardware keys, has a slower lock response on wakeup, on longer calls it might relock before the call is over, gsensor apps that rotate manila will also rotate it, doesn't integrate with the WM6.5 lock system (softkey in start menu, button assigned lock).
Of course, for those who really want to use the CHT lockscreen and don't mind those shortcomings, the ultimate upside is that is does work on WM6.1.
About wallpapers:
-All wallpaper controls are now built into CHT, so there is no need to install any bg4all or hq wall patch. In fact don't install them because they are not compatible.
-3 wallpaper modes are available - take a look at the bottom of this post for a comparison: About v1.8.5

Notes on animated wallpapers:
-I had to remove the animated wallpapers - not the weather wallpapers, but the 3 animated wallpapers with circles and such. The weather wallpaper animations are fully intact.
I know, I know, some of you will miss them, but I'm guessing not that many. It was just one of those things that would be too much work for a minor feature.
About Performance:
For HD2 users: It was made for the HD2 and it should run nice and slick on it. But I do recommend installing Chainfire's HD2/Leo 3D Driver Patch - it's great.
For non-HD2 users: Keep in mind that this was primarily made for the HD2 and it will be slower on other devices. To improve performance you have options to: reduce the animation level and reduce the number of quick links pages.
General tip for more speed (both for HD2 and non-HD2): Disable full screen Weather animations: Tap to add a new Quick Link and add the "Weather Toggle".
It will then appear as a shortcut in your quick links, and can be used to quickly enable/disable weather animations.
About ROM cooking:
Don't cook in the file "ManilaFull.xml". Originally it's a manila cache file that's generated on start up (based on the xml files in \windows\manilaxml\).
This file should never be cooked in because it will prevent changes to manila pages and menus.
The "ManilaFull.xml" in the cab is an empty file. It's only there to make manila regenerate it after install, because I've made changes to the home menu.
So make sure not to cook in that file in any form.

Don't cook in the CHT lockscreen as on by default. If you do that, users won't be able to turn it off!

If you're cooking a WM6.5.x ROM, you should set the reg value of CHTI.WinMo6.5.x to 1. The cab's setup.dll would do that normally.
If you're cooking in a specific configuration all the CHT.* values need to be cooked in an as well as the HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\CHT values that hold layout information.
Make sure you also cook in CHTI.State.Timeout with the value 45 (decimal) and CHTI.AddonWidgets.Count with 20 (decimal). The rest of the CHTI.* values don't need to be cooked in.

For info on cooking in addon widgets and link, see post 4.

Last edited by santod; 11-12-2010 at 09:28 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 12:26 PM
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Section 4: Addon widgets, quick links and other downloads
About Addon widgets and links:
Addon widgets are new to CHT v2.0.0 - made possible by the widget framework.
These are true addons: Widgets that fully integrate with CHT, but at the same time can be added and removed without affecting other widgets or the base CHT installation.
They are compatible with all v2.x.x versions of CHT.
Version v2.0.0 supports a maximum of 20 addon widgets (this number does not include the built in widget that come with the CHT install).

As well as widget, link can also be added as addons.
Links like toggle switches, notifications, status indicators, tab links, etc.
Version v2.0.0 supports a maximum of 20 addon link cabs (a single addon links cab may have multiple links inside).

Addon widgets and addon links are added independently, so the maximum is 20 addon widget + 20 addon links cabs.
Download addon widgets:

RSS widget - Probably the most requested widget of all. It's the RSS Reader that comes with Sense 2016+, but it will work on all ROMs with Sense 2.5 including the HD2 stock ROMs. The only requirement is that you have the RSSHub application on your device.
This is the exact same RSS reader the comes with the stock Sense wich means it also has it's limitations and bugs - this widget will be updated as HTC updates it's RSS Reader in stock Sense.
The future might also bring some better Sense RSS integration. For now this is no more and no less then what you get with Sense 2016+.

Weather widget - Standalone weather widget. (That is, in addition to the one in the main clock.) Features 2 layouts, both resizable. The second layout is pure eye candy when enlarged.

Digital clock - A real digital clock that is. No flipping and no space between the upper and lower part of the numbers.
The clock is extremely basic, but it is mainly made to be a base for skinners to make their own digital clocks since I know the flip clock doesn't make a good skinning base (because of the space between the upper and lower part).
For more info on modifying this widget see the developers guide (coming soon).

Flip clock - Not much to say here, just the same flip clock without weather as one of the main clock layouts. I thought it would be a good idea to have one more example widget for devs.

Analog clock - Just a simple standalone analog clock.
Download addon links:

State links - indicators that show various device state information

Tab links - links to Sense tabs
For chefs - How to cook in addons:
The process is a little different for widgets and links.

Addon widgets:
In the addon widget cab, the setup.dll does the most import part of the install. Doing it manually is a bit tricky. The easiest thing you could do would be add the cabs to an automated post flash customization.
But if you still want to cook it in this is what needs to be done:

1) In HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\ create a new string value called: "CHTI.AddonWidgets.Slot0". For its value set the install dir of the addon cab you wish to cook in - they are usually "\CHTAddon\%widget_name%" (the install dir in the addon cab isn't actually used as an install destination, but as an unique widget id).
2) Next you'll need manilaHash.exe - you can find it on the forum.
3) Put "\Windows\HTC\Home\CHTWidgetSlot0.mode9" into manilaHash.exe and get the hashed ********_manila files name. Then rename CHTmode9_manila to that name.
4) Put "\Windows\HTC\Home\Scripts\Home\CHTWidgetSlot0 .lua c" (it's ".luac" without a space) into manilahash, get the manila name and rename CHTlua_manila to that.

Repeat that for any additional widgets you want to cook in, just put in Slot1, Slot2, Slot3, etc.

Important note: manilahash.exe does not append leading zeros to hashed file names. For example if the name needs to be "008fa12b_manila" - manilahash.exe will output just "8fa12b_manila" without the leading zeros.
The hash code always needs to have 8 digits, so if manilahash.exe gives you something with less than 8, add the missing zeros manually. Otherwise you'll the widget will not be installed properly.

Addon links:
Very similar to the above, but a little simpler.

1) In HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\ create a new string value called: "CHTI.AddonLinks.Slot0". For its value set the install dir of the addon cab you wish to cook in - they are usually "\CHTAddon\%links_name%" (the install dir in the addon cab isn't actually used as an install destination, but as an unique id).
2) Next you'll need manilaHash.exe - you can find it on the forum.
3) Put "\Windows\HTC\Home\Scripts\Home\CHTAddonLinkSl ot0. luac" (it's ".luac" without a space) into manilahash, get the manila name and rename CHTlua_manila to that.

Repeat that for any additional link cabs you want to cook in, just put in Slot1, Slot2, Slot3, etc.
Analog clock skins:
Analogue clocks for Co0kies HT - The list! - Thanks to Franwella for the list and also to everyone who created analog clock skins.
CHT banners:
Some banners for your signature made by dafunk2 - big thanks to him.

Attached Files :
CHTAddon_RSSReader_v0.95.cab 441.3 KB
CHTAddon_DigitalClock_v0.95.cab 64.5 KB
CHTAddon_FlipClock_v1.0.cab 76.8 KB
CHTAddon_AnalogClock_v1.0.cab 23.5 KB
CHTAddon_WeatherWidget_v1.0.cab 29.2 KB
CHTAddon_StateLinks_v1.0.cab 106.5 KB
CHTAddon_TabLinks_v1.0.cab 165.6 KB

Last edited by santod; 11-12-2010 at 09:33 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 12:27 PM
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Changelog and Extras

Section 5: Tehnical reference

The main cab only includes English text. To get other languages download the CHT language pack.
Not all languages have been translated. If you find that CHT is not fully translated to your language and you would like to translate, contact me.
CHT full changelog:

#v2.0.0 (changes since public beta) - 12/11/2010
-[new] sms and email notification shortcuts will jump to CHT widgets
-[new] option to disable non-edit mode popup menu (CHTEditor->Widget settings)
-[new] option to make toggle switch turn on bluetooth in discoverable mode (CHTEditor->Miscellaneous)
-[new] option for original flip clock animation (CHTEditor->Miscellaneous)
-[new/fixed] updated chtstate v1.08g
-[change] tab and state links are no longer part of the base CHT cab - available as addons
-[fixed] phone hardkey not working
-[fixed] tab change bug when only a single home widget page is set
-[fixed] left/right swipe stops working
-[fixed] various quick/free links assignment and move bugs
-[fixed] independent quick links bugs (invisible link presses)
-[fixed] quick links layout bug when setting a lower max row count
-[fixed] quick links disappearing text
-[fixed] sms and email mark read on timeout will only be set if the widget is currently on the screen
-[fixed] sms and email swipe not active on the lockscreen
-[fixed] missed calls notification icon not updating correctly
-[fixed] bugs with "don't repeat multiday appointment" option
-[fixed] WM6.5.x detection method
-[fixed] sms/email popup menu exiting
-[fixed] wallpaper previous/next/random links with very wide walls
-[fixed] widget might disappear after being unpinned
-[fixed] pinning widgets close to or over the edge of the screen
-[fixed] free links size on lockscreen
-[fixed] appointment/tasks list hides independent quick links grid when it should not
-[fixed] add a link page in landscape
-[fixed] wide wallpapers move up after live change
-[dev] custom operator text and foreground layer changes are live (no need for manila restart)
-[dev] updated the setup.dll for addon widgets to add as small install safeguard
-[dev] separated appointment/tasks list and popup menu graphics
-[dev] addon links framework added
#v2.0.0 Public Beta - 26/09/2010
-[new] major upgrade - first public release
#v1.8.5 - 19/06/2010
-[new] option for scrolling appointment and task lists
-[new] task improvements: counters, color options, option to display both start and due date
-[new] high quality wallpapers
-[new] taskbar and softkeybar skinning
-[new] wallpaper control quick links: previous, next, random wallpaper
-[new] compatible with manila_home 2016 (with manila_core 2015) (dev note: graphics files: 1b8f4bec_manila, 55b3bed2_manila, 710705ec_manila)
-[new] addon cab: alternative lockscreen for WM6.1 users (thanks to Kenia1234 for testing this)
-[new][dev] the analog clock has it's own mode9 and script file (mode9: 1E1A6CCD_manila, lua: 1EC5924B_manila)
-[change] weather animation on the lockscreen now plays even if weather is off on the home tab
-[change] music player (or any element) will no longer be loaded on startup if it's not visible on any layout
-[fixed] analog clock hand alignment (thanks to rat_2665)
-[fixed] wallpaper selection on WM6.1
-[fixed] VGA: all tabs wallpaper, add toggle menu, titlebar disappears
-[fixed] photos tab picture position for both VGA and WVGA
-[fixed] clock highlight getting stuck
-[fixed] tab change side swipe not responding after unlock
-[fixed] analog clock resize button shows in non-edit mode
-[fixed] quick links disappear in landscape
-[fixed] appointments/tasks slim header autohide
-[fixed] previous track button disabled image on manila 19xx (dev note: for skinned players 59B6BB1D_manila needs to be copied and renamed to 10B1B92F_manila)
-[fixed] white wallpaper when rotating with hdwall
-[fixed] test appointments don't show up sometimes
-[fixed] tasks sorting and range
-[fixed] if home menu was open when locking the unlock slider would be missing
-[fixed] slider bar appears on white menus with no tabs
-[fixed] phone toggle doesn't turn off if data was connected
-[fixed] weather animation freezes on comm switch
-[fixed] music info not updating
-[fixed] lockscreen bottom bar bug
-[fixed] uninstall problem on some ROMs
#v1.8.0 - 06/06/2010
-[new] many lockscreen improvements
-[new] new quick link types: switches, notifications and misc
-[new] wallpaper controls: home, all tabs, lockscreen
-[new] wide scrolling home wallpaper
-[new] 4 home levels and landscape are customizable
-[new] tasks
-[new] new list control for appointments and tasks (unlimited item count)
-[new] anything will hide behind the expanded app/tasks list (not just quick links)
-[new] music player with 3 layouts
-[new] text color settings
-[new] analog clock is x-axis movable and resizable
-[speed] significant boost to quick links animation speed/smoothness
-[change] tab slider is now always visible on white submenus (related to retractable slider)
-[fixed] many lockscreen related problems
-[fixed] highlights that stick
-[fixed] second hand freezing
-[removed] animated wallpapers (not weather wallpapers, just the 3 animated ones)
#v1.7.1 - 18/04/2010
-[new] voicemail program link
-[new] notification support for more than 100 sms/mms/email
-[new] sun rays animation option
-[fixed] advanced layout menu not working
-[fixed] black bar in submenus
-[fixed] music problem with locker
-[fixed] full screen animation showing wrong weather
-[fixed] program selector in VGA
-[fixed] clock becomes rotated sometimes
-[fixed] weather hit area removed from no weather clock
-[fixed] page indicator shows up after unlock
-[fixed] retractable slider bugs
-[fixed] clock weather text overlap
-[removed] dim backlight option (using system setting instead)
-[removed] suspend timeout option (using system setting instead)
#v1.7 - 13/04/2010
-[new] moveable and customizable home items
-[new] 6 clock layouts (including analog)
-[new] 2 or 3 quick links rows in main view
-[new] notification icons
-[new] customizable lockscreen with 3 unlock modes
-[new] more than 3 quick links pages
-[new] retractable slider
-[new] parameter support for button program links
-[new] automatic VGA mode detection
-[new] added voicemail notification
-[changed] position of more appointments indicator arrow
-[changed] adjusted 3x3 quick links layout
-[fixed] exchange policies related issue
-[fixed] bug with appointment range set to 1
-[fixed] miscellaneous smaller bugs
#v1.6.1 - 07/03/2010
-[new] option to hide or auto hide appointments
-[new] added more appointments indicator for main view
-[fixed] call history related bugs (rounded edge, overlap)
-[fixed] date button now always shows month view in calendar tab
-[fixed] removed side scroll animation from animation level 0
-[fixed] corrected quick links scrolling in landscape
#v1.6 - 04/03/2010
-[new] 3x3 layout added and 5x5 repositioned slightly
-[new] reworked animations with 4 levels and an animation toolkit
-[new] dynamic notifications - autohide call history and quick links
-[new] up to 5 appointments in extended view, 2 in main view
-[new] enabled swiping between tabs from home
-[new] option to set the number of quick link pages
-[new] option to hide shortcut text and text background
-[new] option to hide page indicator
-[new] weather animatin on/off switch
-[new] localization support
-[new] setting for date, clock and weather buttons
-[new] option to set a custom operator name
-[fixed] leftmost and rightmost column sensitivity on 4x4 layout
-[fixed] wrong date for multiday appointments
-[fixed] quick links bug on up key / volume key
-[fixed] appointments now always update on home tab load
-[fixed] added back htc start menu shortcuts
-[fixed] unfinished animation before switching to remove/rearrange view
-[fixed] re-enabled operator logo
-[fixed] a few bugs in VGA mode
#v1.5.4 - 13/02/2010
-[fixed] crash on start up (thanks to caliban2)
-[fixed] crash on swiping
-[fixed] past/future appointment mix-up with 12-hour format
-[fixed] bug when dragging appointment across pages
-[fixed] default page reg setting
#v1.5 - 10/02/2010
-[new] 3 pages of quick links
-[new] 5x5 link layout
-[new] drag and drop to rearrange
-[new] dated appointment for more than 2 days
-[new] call history button
-[new] configurable alarm, call history and calendar buttons
-[new] basic VGA support
#v1.0.1 - 31/01/2010
-[fixed] clock distortion bug
-[changed] 16 links is now default
#v1.0 - 30/01/2010
-initial release
Registry settings for reference
Settings are located in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila\
Restart Manila for the changes to take effect. Available settings:

Settings format: reg_value_name (type) (default value) description
Notes: bool => 0 or 1, color => a color code string

### email - both general mail and specific email widget settings
CHT.Email.TextSizeSender (20-30) (24) - email widget text size adjustment
CHT.Email.TextSizeDateTime (12-24) (1
CHT.Email.TextSizeSubject (14-2 (20)
CHT.Email.TextSizeBody (10-22) (16)
CHT.Email.TextColorMain (color) ("")
CHT.Email.TextColorSub (color) ("")
CHT.Email.MarkRead (bool) (0) - mark email as read when selected
CHT.Email.MarkReadTimeout (0-20) (2) - seconds timeout to mark as read
CHT.Email.ExcludeOutlookCount (bool) (0) - if turned on, email notifications on the home tab and lockscreen will not count outlook items

### messages - sms/mms
CHT.SMS.TextSizeSender (20-30) (24) - widget text size adjustment
CHT.SMS.TextSizeDateTime (12-24) (1
CHT.SMS.TextSizeBody (10-22) (16)
CHT.SMS.TextColorMain (color) ("")
CHT.SMS.TextColorSub (color) ("")

Section 6: Development

Addon widget and links kitchens
Addon kitchens for making widgets and links are available in the attachment. A dev guide is included in the zip, along with code examples.
Making addon widgets and links is slightly different - that's why two different kitchens are available - read the included guide for details.
Lua source code
The source code is freely available. You may modify it as you wish, but I do have a request:
If you're going to post a CHT modification publicly, post only the modified files and not the whole thing, so that the installation procedure is:
1) Install the main CHT cab first.
2) Install your modification.

Alternatively, if you want to use any part of this source code in your own independent manila project, you are free to do so, but please do post a mention that you're using this code and what parts.
That's the only thing I ask. I hope everyone will honour it. Thanks, here's the source, have fun with it.
Attached Files CHT_AddonWidgetKitchen.zip (3.20 MB, 11 views) CHT_AddonLinksKitchen.zip (2.53 MB, 0 views) CHT_v2.0.0_lua_source.zip (145.3 KB, 4 views)


Version 1.8.5 released.
-If you have a previous version installed as a cab: Uninstall the old one and soft reset before upgrading.
-If you have a previous version cooked in your ROM: You can install it over the cooked in version.

To prevent losing your settings, layouts and Quick Link assignments, use CHTEditor to back up before uninstalling, and restore everything when you install the new version.

Read the text below the changelog to learn about changes/new features and how to use v1.8.5.

Quick changelog, more details below:
-[new] option for scrolling appointment and task lists
-[new] task improvements: counters, color options, option to display both start and due date
-[new] high quality wallpapers
-[new] taskbar and softkeybar skinning
-[new] wallpaper control quick links: previous, next, random wallpaper
-[new] compatible with manila_home 2016 (with manila_core 2015) (dev note: graphics files: 1b8f4bec_manila, 55b3bed2_manila, 710705ec_manila)
-[new] addon cab: alternative lockscreen for WM6.1 users (read the notes below) - thanks to Kenia1234 for testing this
-[new][dev] the analog clock has it's own mode9 and script file (mode9: 1E1A6CCD_manila, lua: 1EC5924B_manila)
-[change] weather animation on the lockscreen now plays even if weather is off on the home tab
-[change] music player (or any element) will no longer be loaded on startup if it's not visible on any layout
-[fixed] analog clock hand alignment (thanks to rat_2665)
-[fixed] wallpaper selection on WM6.1
-[fixed] VGA: all tabs wallpaper, add toggle menu, titlebar disappears
-[fixed] photos tab picture position for both VGA and WVGA
-[fixed] clock highlight getting stuck
-[fixed] tab change side swipe not responding after unlock
-[fixed] analog clock resize button shows in non-edit mode
-[fixed] quick links disappear in landscape
-[fixed] appointments/tasks slim header autohide
-[fixed] previous track button disabled image on manila 19xx (dev note: for skinned players 59B6BB1D_manila needs to be copied and renamed to 10B1B92F_manila)
-[fixed] white wallpaper when rotating with hdwall
-[fixed] test appointments don't show up sometimes
-[fixed] tasks sorting and range
-[fixed] if home menu was open when locking the unlock slider would be missing
-[fixed] slider bar appears on white menus with no tabs
-[fixed] phone toggle doesn't turn off if data was connected
-[fixed] weather animation freezes on comm switch
-[fixed] music info not updating
-[fixed] lockscreen bottom bar bug
-[fixed] uninstall problem on some ROMs

Version v1.8.5 explained:

General bug fixes:
As you can see from the changelog a lot of bug have been fixed, including the infamous "bottom bar on lockscreen" bug.

Compatible with manila_home 2016 (with manila_core 2015):
CHT now works 100% OK on this version of sense.
Some notes for devs: In order to ensure compatibility, I've had to include some additional graphics files. I've listed these files in the changelog - in case you use them as part of your themes.
There are 3 files for 2016 compatibility and another one for 19xx (all listed above).

Tasks improvements:
The task sorting and range bugs have been fixed and a lot of improvements have been made based on your feedback.
These include: today, overdue, completed and total task counter, color options for today, completed and overdue text, displaying both start and due date.
In addition: both tasks and appointments list can be made scrollable (option is available in CHTEditor).

There is also a new "Update tasks" quick link which can be used to manually refresh home screen tasks. The reason for this:
Tasks are automatically updated in situations when: a new task is added, removed, completed or uncompleted.
Tasks are not automatically updated when you edit an existing task: change its subject, date or other property.
The reason for this is that task count changes (total, completed, today, overdue) are the only events that the system can post a notification about. When you change something about an existing task that isn't its completed status, the system doesn't post a notification.
Now, it could be made so that CHT would update for any task change, but the problem there is that it couldn't rely on system events, but instead a program would have to monitor tasks at all times. That program would have to be loaded at startup and run all the time taking up memory and cpu cycles.
With the current implementation, the most important task changes are updated automatically (task added/removed, complete/incomplete - things that are done 90% of the time) and for other changes the "Update tasks" button can be used to manually update.
It's a trade-off, but it avoids having another app in memory constantly running and that's very important for a mobile device.

CHT lockscreen for WM6.1:
I've prepated an addon cab with an alternative CHT lockscreen for WM6.1 users.
Installing the addon cab will revert the CHT lockscreen to the older lock system used in v1.7.x. The downside of this is that the old lock system carries with it some flaws:
on some devices it might not lock all hardware keys, has a slower lock response on wakeup, on longer calls it might relock before the call is over, gsensor apps that rotate manila will also rotate it, doesn't integrate with the WM6.5 lock system (softkey in start menu, button assigned lock).
Of course, for those who really want to use the CHT lockscreen and don't mind those shortcomings, the ultimate upside is that is does work on WM6.1.
Thanks to Kenia1234 for testing the WM6.1 lockscreen.
Download it here.

Taskbar and softkeybar skinning:
CHT now has the ability to skin your taskbar and softkeybar so that you can give them a "transparent" look.
You'll find the option at the bottom of the set wallpaper menu. The bars will be skinned based on the top and bottom part the wallpaper you choose.
If you set the same wallpaper to one of the portrait wallpapers and to the bars, you will get a wallpaper that extend over the whole of your screen.
Notes: the bars are statically skinned. That means that the same bar image will be visible everywhere including landscape. It's not possible to have different bar skins for portrait and landscape.
Removing the skinned bars will revert to base black bars. If you had a custom theme before applying the bar skins, you will have to re-apply the theme in settings->today to bring it back.

True high quality wallpapers settable on the device:
CHT v1.8.5 brings an all new high quality wallpaper mode. This is not the same as HDWall + HQ wallpaper patch.
It offers image quality on par with HDWall, but with the key difference that everything can be done on the device - no need for a PC, no need for making and installing cabs.

Generally CHT's high quality wallpaper mode should be the best fit for anyone, but CHT 1.8.5 still supports the old wallpaper modes too, making for a total of 3.
Here is an explanation of all 3 modes and comparison screenshots below.

1) CHT high quality wallpaper mode:
-Quality is on the level of HDWall generated wallpapers.
-Wallpapers are very sharp - very good for images with fine detail.
-It does a little worse with color gradients - color banding might be visible. But as long as you don't use gradient heavy images, this wallpaper mode is the best.
General note on regular wallpaper mode:
-Wallpapers don't strictly need to be in the desired resolution - they will be resized to fill the screen while maintaining the aspect ratio. But setting the appropriate resolution image is still the best practice.
-For VGA users: You can use either VGA or WVGA sized wallpapers - it doesn't matter. VGA images will fit naturally, but WVGA will still work just as well (the bottom of the image will be below the screen).

2) HDWall mode:
-For this mode you need to use HDWall.
-Wallpaper quality is extremely good, and it handles gradients slightly better than HQ mode, but some banding might still be visible.
-The only downside is the need to generate wallpapers on a PC before actually applying them to your device

3) Regular wallpaper mode:
-This mode offers the worst quality in terms of sharpness.
-Images are generally blurry - the only upside is that it handles gradients very well.
-The quality in this mode depends on the resolution of the image - wallpaper with a large resolution (like those for wide wallpapers) will have worse quality than normal images.
-I had considered removing this wallpaper mode completely, because it's generally the worst of the 3 and it's only advantage (gradients) can be seen only on a small number of images. But, it's here, so if you prefer good gradients to sharp details, pick this one.
General note on regular wallpaper mode:
-Wallpapers need to be in the right resolution in order to be set properly. The resolution is listed in the set wallpaper menu.
-For VGA users: All the wallpapers are adjusted for VGA too. So set the wallpaper as they should be for VGA (480x640, 640x480, 960x640).
-Don't select wallpapers from folders with localized names (with characters that are not part of the English alphabet).
-Wallpaper quality tip: for the regular wallpaper mode 24-bit pngs give the best quality. 32-bit pngs or jpegs aren't as sharp.


Some comments on the comparison:

On the Cookie Monster image: The first thing you can see is that there are two screenshots for regular wallpapers this is to show the worse quality at higher resolutions. HDWall and HQ wallpaper do not have this problem - they have the same image quality no matter what resolution should be displayed.
The first thing you will notice on the HDWall and high quality screenshot is how much sharper they are compared to the regular wallpapers.
Between, HDWall and HQ mode: HQ modes advantages: slight better white balance (HDWall is a little on the yellow side) and sharpness in some places (the HDWall image has a few artefacts - mostly visible around the eyes).
HQ mode has some general noise over the whole image but it's not too bad.

On the default manila gradient image: The tables turn completely. Regular gives the best image, followed by HDWall and HQ mode is the worst.
This is the only type of image where regular mode has an advantage. But images where this is so visible aren't too common so the HQ mode is generally still the best way to go.

Wallpaper control quick links:
3 new quick links have been added to the misc section: previous, next and random wallpaper.
They do as their names imply: cycle thought wallpapers. The folder from which they take images is selectable from CHTEditor. Images will be gathered from the selected folder's subfolders too.


Some banners for your signature made by dafunk2 - big thanks to him.



Originally Posted by wesley762
So what are people doing to get there wallpapers aligned with the top and bottom for the life of me I just can not get it to happen, I have hard reset, running 6.5.5 with sense 2.5.2012. its MightyROM Full Force if you have heard of it.

Once I hard reset the only thing I have installed is CHT 1.8 and CHT editor 1.8 and Bwizard and its still off, this is what it looks like right now.

This was a SS from earler but its still like that after installing just the 3 above programs.

Originally Posted by Dic3ptor
okay the hdwalls work now! But there is a little different between the taskbar and bottombar and the wallpaper!

Take a look i have marked them!

Imageshack - lookc.jpg

I apply some WM6.5.x specific wallpaper settings to make them properly placed on the screen. Normally a 480x800 wallpaper on WM6.5.x would have the top 16 pixels hanging off the edge of the screen, while the bottom has a 16 pixel gap under is (because the of the 16 pixel smaller taskbar/16 pixel bigger softkeybar). Now, I made it so the wallpaper is properly placed on the screen and goes from edge to edge. The problem is that the programs that generate "transparent" taskbar images (HDWall, Bwizard) were either not made for WM6.5 or made under the assumption that the wallpaper is in the wrong position. So because of that, now that the wallpaper *is* in the right position, the taskbar/softkeybar images don't line up with it.

But maybe you weren't looking for a long explanation of the cause of the problem
If you want to disable the WM6.5.x specific wallpaper position, goto HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila and set Co0kie.WinMo6.5.x to 0 and restart sense.


File names reference:
[Analog clock files]
20F62884_manila - background - 256x256
0AB9C3F4_manila - hour hand - 16x256
4BDFBA48_manila - minute hand - 16x256
2A87D392_manila - second hand - 16x256
7126E342_manila - clock dot - 32x32

[HDWall files]
486f94eb_manila - home portrait - 480x800 (512x1024 qtc)
5E43D109_manila - home landscape - 800x480 (1024x512 qtc)
4716C574_manila - wide home portrait 960x800 (1024x1024 qtc)
67A9E56B_manila - lockscreen - 480x800 (512x1024 qtc)
11d4e1ae_manila - all tabs portrait - 480x800 (512x1024 qtc)
7F164879_manila - all tabs landscape - 800x480 (1024x512 qtc)

Pack Added!!!
Enjoy some Co0kies!!!

Big thanks to Dafunk2

Attached Files
File Type: zip Co0kie.HomeTab_wallpapers_dafunk.zip (1.28 MB, 34 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by santod; 11-12-2010 at 09:35 PM.
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Old 06-06-2010, 12:28 PM
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[APP][28-Sep-2010] CHTEditor v2.0.0.0 Beta (R3)

[APP][12-Nov-2010] CHTEditor v2.0.0.0 - Final Released

Co0kie's Home Tab offers us a vast array of changes for our home tabs. A lot of the options are only available via registry edits, unless you use CHTEditor.
With this application you can modify all the settings for the mod without having to open a registry editor, as well as being able to export & import all your settings and quicklinks, in case you need to hard reset or flash a new ROM. Multiple settings files can be automatically linked in the start menu, so you can switch layouts without opening the editor. You can also add these shortcuts as quicklinks to switch layouts from the home tab itself.

This application DOES NOT make any changes to Sense. You MUST have Co0kie's Home Tab installed!!!
You can get Co0kie's Home Tab here.

A BIG thanks goes to eboelzner for the Sense Interface SDK UI controls. They've made a vast improvement to the application and he's been a great help getting the latest version looking the part.
You can find the Sense Interface SDK here.

Please read post #2 before...
  • upgrading (either the editor OR Co0kie's Home Tab)
  • changing the editor language
  • posting issues
  • posting change requests
  • cooking the editor into a ROM.

About v2.0.0.0:
There is no backward compatiblity with versions 1.x.x, so you can't import old CHTE settings files. But future versions will be compatile going forward, so you will be able to import you 2.0.0 settings into any 2.x.x version.

Update: 12-Nov-2010
CHTEditor v2.0.0.0 Final released.
-[new] options added in CHT 2.0 final
-[new] multiple language file support
-[new] HVGA specific setting adjustments
-[fixed] reversed tasks sortby
-[fixed] contact links export/import bug

Requirements and Compatibility:
This application requires .Net 3.5 to be installed on your device. You can download this for activesync installation here, or as a cab file here.
Some people seem to be having trouble installing .Net 3.5. If you are one of them, read this post and this post for 2 different suggestions.
The application has been tested thoroughly and found to be stable for WM6.5. There is an issue when automatically restarting manila in WM6.1, but you get a friendly error message telling you about it. If you get this message then you will need to restart manila manually.

MAKE SURE that you have the same version of the mod and the editor installed - you'll be told when starting the editor if you don't.
(It only has to be the first 3 numbers eg. v1.7.1.0 will work with v1.7.1.1)

Important notes:
  • If in the future you upgrade Co0kie's Home Tab to a newer version, please read post #2 below.
  • This application can be installed to either the device or your storage card.
  • Finally, a lot of time goes into this application and this thread, so I'm sorry but I won't answer any questions that are answered in these first few posts. Any major issues will either be resolved as a new release, or will be mentioned at the top of the thread somewhere.

Features list:
  • Change the settings without a registry editor
  • Export and import settings and quicklinks (can also be done via command-line - see post 2)
  • Command-line support for import and export of settings (see post 2)
  • Create shortcuts to settings files for on-the-fly quick changes from the start menu or quicklinks, without running the editor
  • Remove dead quicklinks
  • Automatically restarts manila or soft resets for immediate changes
  • Multi-language support

To be implemented in future releases:
  • Add the option to enter application paths as free text, so that parameters can be included
  • Add the ability to import and export different parts of your settings so you can mix them (quicklinks, home layout, lock layout etc..)

This is a work in progress and will continue to be developed in-line with Co0kieMonster's home tab mod, including any extra settings that are added along the way. With this in mind, it will only work with the correct verison of Co0kieMonster's mod, and if you try to run it against a different version then you'll be given an error telling you to check back here for a newer version of this application.

Attached Files
CHTEditor_v2.0.0.0.CAB 993.6 KB

Last edited by santod; 11-12-2010 at 09:38 PM.
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Old 06-06-2010, 12:32 PM
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Re: [Manila Mod][6-Jun-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.0

Originally Posted by santod View Post
Last One!!
Only 5 Santod LOL .. . Great WriteUp!
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Old 06-06-2010, 12:42 PM
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Re: [Manila Mod][6-Jun-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.0

rsvp!! thanks santod!!

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Old 06-06-2010, 01:01 PM
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Re: [Manila Mod][6-Jun-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.0

Originally Posted by purian23 View Post
Only 5 Santod LOL .. . Great WriteUp!
Originally Posted by Straitup27 View Post
rsvp!! thanks santod!!
Thanks, enjoy!!
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Old 06-06-2010, 01:04 PM
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Re: [Manila Mod][6-Jun-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.0

Originally Posted by santod View Post
Thanks, enjoy!!
Sure will, heck i'm even putting this 2nd post on the 1st page! ! Let the madness begin.. Mods like these are why we are with our Pro2's !!
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Old 06-06-2010, 01:17 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}{{6-Jun-2010}} Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.0

Stock and Rooted

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