I've made a custom rootfs where more buttons are working and the home button works the way I like, and I figured I'd share it in case anyone else likes things the same way as me.
At the moment this works for the Rhod210, Rhod400 and Rhod500.
This rootfs has the home button/end button setup that XDAndroid originally had, which in my opinion made a lot more sense. Power both powers on and goes to home, while end call both ends call and powers off. This is in contrast to the current XDAndroid setup, where by default you've got no home button, and you have to muck around in Spare Parts to make end call take you home, and most importantly you lose the key Android feature of easy multi-tasking because you can no longer hold the home button to switch between tasks.
This is an altered version of the base XDAndroid rootfs. To install it, all you have to do is copy mine over your current rootfs.img.
Summary of changes from default rootfs:
- Power: Power on / Home
- Power Long Press: Switch between recent programs
- End Call: Power off / End call
- End Call Long Press: Android power menu
- Rear Mute: Call mute (works on both speaker and non-speaker calls)
- Envelope (Mailbox on Rhod500) on the keyboard: @
- Fn-C on the keyboard: ^C (Ctrl-Break is useful for terminal emulators)
- SMS/MMS (Star on Rhod500, not present on Rhod210) on the keyboard: Search (thanks to F22 for the idea)
- Symbol on the keyboard (above comma on Rhod210 & Rhod400) brings up Android symbol menu (thanks to F22 for the tip)
- Ctrl on the keyboard on Rhod210 only is DPad Center, which most Android apps that use Ctrl such as terminal emulators understand as Ctrl (thanks to F22 for the tip)
- Fn-Space on the keyboard: tab (useful for ssh clients)
- No buttons other than Power and sliding open the keyboard will wake the phone (thanks to MassStash for the idea)
Having a search button on the keyboard is really cool, because that's also the Android shortcut button.
You can customize app shortcuts under Settings => Application => Quick Launch, but here are the default shortcuts:
- Search + b: Browser
- Search + c: Contacts
- Search + e: Email
- Search + g: Gmail
- Search + l: Calendar
- Search + m: Maps
- Search + p: Music
- Search + s: Messaging
Added a second rootfs (20110224-3dd92b

for GBX that enables screen rotation
Updated base rootfs.img to 20110210-2cb7ec0, which includes a fix for a memory leak
Updated base rootfs.img to include system server bug fix
Added tab
Added Rhod210 support
Fixes for Rhod500
Added Rhod500 support
Symbol key above comma now works
Moved ctrl-break to fn-C
Original version
There are two rootfs images attached, one for GBX users, and one for everyone else.