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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 05:59 PM
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USB Device Not Recognized - HOW CAN WE UNLOCK NOW?

Hey all,

We are trying to unlock and than flash a new ROM.

I have a telus phone, HTC Vogue nice little thing.

It can charge fine but when i put it to the computer its not able to sync,

I think the pins are messed up on the USB connector!


I think we can do this on other phones like the HTC PRO, can it be done with this Telus HTC Vouge?


PRL version: 05075
PRI version: 1.34_010
ROM Version: 1.11.661.1
ROM date: 09/28/07
Radio Version: 2.15.00
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 06:33 PM
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Re: USB Device Not Recognized - HOW CAN WE UNLOCK NOW?

get to a laptop with bluetooth and download activesync 4.5 then connect and flash;

or.. I could be mistaken on this, but ive heard of flashing from your mem card if you have enough room for it on there, you'd have to check on that one though. you should try infaROM its generic :] just has sprint splash;I have sprint.. ill be releasing custom carrier ROMs on my new line coming mid summer :] (plug)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 07:20 PM
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Re: USB Device Not Recognized - HOW CAN WE UNLOCK NOW?

You can flash from your SD Card given that it is 2GB or less in size and formatted with FAT32

From there you take the largest .NBH file within the ROM or the Unlocker ROM you want to use and rename it to VOGUIMG.NBH (I believe the caps are necessary) and place the file onto the root of the SD Card

Insert SD Card into phone and turn on phone then enter bootloader mode (Power+Camera+Stylus in reset hole) and the rest should go on its own with little interaction from you

As for infamousj012 - do you seriously need to wh_ore your ROM every chance you get? no offense intended but a person asked for help on unlocking his phone when he cant connect via USB - not asking for what ROM to use, your link is in your sig isnt that enough? LOL

Detroit Doug
Did any info I supplied help? take a moment and grant a "Thanks" then

  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 07:51 PM
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Re: USB Device Not Recognized - HOW CAN WE UNLOCK NOW?

not like I sent out private messages to everyone; yet. :] I did answer the question though.. even if it was partial :/
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 08:43 PM
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Re: USB Device Not Recognized - HOW CAN WE UNLOCK NOW?

Originally Posted by infamousj012 View Post
not like I sent out private messages to everyone; yet. :] I did answer the question though.. even if it was partial :/
I'm surprised you don't have it all over myspace or facebook.
Or h*ll,I'm surprised it's not in the google ads on top of every webpage. lol.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 09:01 PM
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Re: USB Device Not Recognized - HOW CAN WE UNLOCK NOW?

im just trying to get good and known before I get my tp2 and start cooking :] I wont stop cooking for vogue though, as im giving my friend mine in exchange for letting me do whatever I want to it :] lol I know were way off topic.. sorry :]
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 04:42 AM
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Re: USB Device Not Recognized - HOW CAN WE UNLOCK NOW?

Originally Posted by infamousj012 View Post
get to a laptop with bluetooth and download activesync 4.5 then connect and flash;

or.. I could be mistaken on this, but ive heard of flashing from your mem card if you have enough room for it on there, you'd have to check on that one though. you should try infaROM its generic :] just has sprint splash;I have sprint.. ill be releasing custom carrier ROMs on my new line coming mid summer :] (plug)
I want to unlock the phone's TPL first before I flash any of the operating system ROM's, i dont even think you read my orignal post!

If you did, then i dont even think the bluetooth modaule is turned on from the 3 color screen!

Originally Posted by detroit_doug View Post
You can flash from your SD Card given that it is 2GB or less in size and formatted with FAT32

From there you take the largest .NBH file within the ROM or the Unlocker ROM you want to use and rename it to VOGUIMG.NBH (I believe the caps are necessary) and place the file onto the root of the SD Card

Insert SD Card into phone and turn on phone then enter bootloader mode (Power+Camera+Stylus in reset hole) and the rest should go on its own with little interaction from you

As for infamousj012 - do you seriously need to wh_ore your ROM every chance you get? no offense intended but a person asked for help on unlocking his phone when he cant connect via USB - not asking for what ROM to use, your link is in your sig isnt that enough? LOL

Detroit Doug
I tryed that, but it did not work.

That is because the file is NOT sighned, and that is why we unlock phones first befor we FLASH ROM's for the Operating System.

We unlock phones so we can flash ROMS that are NOT signed (i.e. MightyRom is not sighned!!)

So for me to try and use the unlock image ROM (which is unsighned) with out unlocking the phone first will not work, get it ?

Originally Posted by infamousj012 View Post
not like I sent out private messages to everyone; yet. :] I did answer the question though.. even if it was partial :/
I am not happy with your answer, it may be in fact all true.

I will post what you said below:
I'm not sure if you can do that on the vogue, but did you rename the nbh file to VOGUIMG.nbh
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 08:40 AM
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Re: USB Device Not Recognized - HOW CAN WE UNLOCK NOW?

Chill with the attitude or people may not want to even bother helping you at all..

BTW I fully understand the reason to unlock a phone and then flash a custom, but understand if YOUR phone is hosed no answer may be the one that works - dont get all cranky at us trying to help you - we do NOT have the phone physically here, we do NOT have the history of what may have occurred to the phone prior to you attempting to flash the phone (dropping, water, etc)

We are here attempting to help YOU, snapping at those attempting to help or for that matter opening additional threads asking the same question like here isnt going to suddenly make the answer YOU may want appear

Good luck

Detroit Doug
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2009, 09:29 PM
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Re: USB Device Not Recognized - HOW CAN WE UNLOCK NOW?

1)Your radio is not compatible with coke2.31 unlockerTry to upgrade flashing OFFICIAL Sprint or Bell ROM from SD. It also might fix your "pins" issue.
If its not going through try flash OFFICIAL ROM via cable...

2)coke 2.31 instructed to disconnect and reconnect cable at certain step of unlocking process,otherwise it will be bricked (Imcokeman have dead vogue and mogul to prove it).
So when phone on multicoloured screen and connected to computer -does the screen showing word "serial" or "USB"?
If "serial"-there is nothing you can do except to buy new cable and try again.
If you see word "USB" and activesync4.5 installed on your PC (preferrably windows XP)-your LAST AND NOT RECOMMENDED option is to try this: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...&postcount=396

And,of course,Try it at your own risk....

Last edited by vin255764; 05-21-2009 at 09:48 PM.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2009, 03:00 AM
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Re: USB Device Not Recognized - HOW CAN WE UNLOCK NOW?

Originally Posted by infamousj012 View Post
im just trying to get good and known before I get my tp2 and start cooking :] I wont stop cooking for vogue though, as im giving my friend mine in exchange for letting me do whatever I want to it :] lol I know were way off topic.. sorry :]
Can't wait to have some good friendly competition with cooking TP2 roms.

Originally Posted by vin255764 View Post
1)Your radio is not compatible with coke2.31 unlockerTry to upgrade flashing OFFICIAL Sprint or Bell ROM from SD. It also might fix your "pins" issue.
If its not going through try flash OFFICIAL ROM via cable...

2)coke 2.31 instructed to disconnect and reconnect cable at certain step of unlocking process,otherwise it will be bricked (Imcokeman have dead vogue and mogul to prove it).
So when phone on multicoloured screen and connected to computer -does the screen showing word "serial" or "USB"?
If "serial"-there is nothing you can do except to buy new cable and try again.
If you see word "USB" and activesync4.5 installed on your PC (preferrably windows XP)-your LAST AND NOT RECOMMENDED option is to try this: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...&postcount=396

And,of course,Try it at your own risk....
I haven't even heard of the last fix, the not recommended one. lol
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