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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 01:26 PM
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Adrynalyne's CC20 6.1 ROMs v. 1.7 Build 21051

Hello. This is my cooked Windows Mobile 6.1 rom, built upon the beta CC20 image for the Verizon i910. It does not work with any other i910 than the one sold by Verizon.

This rom is clean, mean, and lean. It is designed for long battery life, stability, speed, and customizability.

All Verizon apps
Most Samsung apps except for Samsung dialer (disabled).
Elias async killer

NEWER 1% battery driver w/ taskbar icons that can read it*
Updated Windows Live
Bluetooth icon in taskbar
Performance enhancers
Battery life enhancers
Escalating Ringtone fix
Advanced Configuration Tool
Im Selector (for setting default SIPs)
Nice looking WM dialer skin
Acer Task Manager
Acer Zoom Status
14mb pagepool for enhanced performance, thanks to Shokka9

Screenshots don't show much, its basically a default Windows Mobile 6.1. Free space runs about 138mb, and 67mb free program memory.

*Hacked battery is an awesome feature, but may cause battery drain. In that case, use 1.4.1.

My faithful 6.1 followers, I have not forsaken you! So many chefs have abandoned 6.1, but I am still here. Enjoy!

1.7 Experimental build.

Removed Windows Live
Removed WakeupOnSMS
14mb pagepool
Upgraded OS from 5.2.20961(CC20) to 5.2.21051.
140.43mb space, 64.20mb ram free


Latest release 1.6

Previous release 1.5

Previous release 1.4.1

How to Flash (stolen from blazingwolf)

Use UMDL and click on the PDA button. Browse to the location where you placed the bin file and click on open. The file will load. Once it is loaded click on Detect. Now turn your device off by holding the power button until you see the shutdown gif. Once your device is shutdown plug it in to your pc. No turn your device back on by pressing and holding the power button. UMDL should detect your device and start loading the new ROM on to your device.

Attached Files
File Type: tsk DiamondQVGA.tsk (32.0 KB, 516 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Adrynalyne; 06-16-2009 at 11:28 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 01:27 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's Base ROM

M2D 1.4.1--Release Notes
Fixed midi problem.
Fixed 3g2/3gp problem. You can now play these files by tapping on them in Windows Media Player.


M2D Release 1.4

added Elias Async Killer.
added function--you can now choose to disconnect data with end key or lock the phone.
updated google maps to the latest version.


http://www.4shared.com/file/10688001...h_1_4_M2D.html (Fixed!)


M2D Release 1.3 BugFix edition
--Working Wifi
--Working Data Connections
--Samsung Phonebook and call log are back.
--Windows Live is fixed


M2D Release 1.3
Minor Release

Special thanks to bgill55 for being my guinea pig

--Removal of default Windows Live. Replacement with the new version including Messenger.
--Removal of Samsung Phonebook, and call log.
--Removal of welcome screen. Press start button to finish setup.
--Removal of Easy Settings.
--iContact 0.93 is now the default contact manager.
--Re-addition of Flat Black theme.
--"Ideal" calibration settings already in place.
--Addition of Opal Communication Manager with with working wifi switch (still need to run the driver loader once per soft reset).


M2D Release 1.2
Fixed broken bluetooth file transfer.
Added Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing. There is no shortcut for it, activate it from instshrui.exe under \Windows.


M2D Release 1.1.1
Minor Release

--Updated Youtubeplay to latest version.


M2D Release 1.1
Minor Release

-Added cleanram from htc addicts.
-Added M2D App Launcher to address All programs bug.
-Added Rotation Service.
-Added ringtone to address sound and notifications issue.
-Added Asphalt 4 from DXIA5. It installs on My Storage.
-Fixed touch tweak.
-Rom now uses grigoris taskbar v3.


M2D Release 1.0
M2D 19b w/ default theme
M2D Customizer
Google Maps
HTC Task Manager 2.1
HTC Album w/ working file associations
HTC Audio Manager
~125mb free space


Last edited by Adrynalyne; 05-26-2009 at 04:41 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 01:43 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's Base ROM

I think I will take the plunge this weekend, I love the stripped down base ROMs you're making. Thanks so much for all your effort and accomodation of requests from people.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 02:01 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's Base ROM

Hey Adrynlyne, I am still on your V.2 ROM and the only thing I have been having an issue with latley is when I connect to data the phone vibrates and beeps, then it continues to beep every couple of seconds while I am still connected to the internet.... Do you have any idea whats up with this? i dont know if its the ROM or something I have on the phone... Please advise, Thanks.

Brutal Beats 2009
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 02:03 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's Base ROM

can you please post the red m2d theme as for i deleted thanks in advance love your rom fast smooth didnt even notice mms so no biggie
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 02:03 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's Base ROM

I can't say that I have seen that issue. Check your sounds and notifications and see whats up with the settings for connection established, etc.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 02:11 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's Base ROM

I went under the sounds and notifications and when i set a certain event to something it changes everything to do that funtion( example: ring/vibrate). So when I changed the connection established to none, that made the phone do the samething which isnt good cuz i need to hear it ring... I dunno its got me kinda stumped, any suggestions?
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 02:12 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's Base ROM

Just upped to .9 and I must say it performs marvelously. In SPB3, I can spin the contact carousel like I'm playing Wheel of Fortune and it's smooth as can be. Can't wait for you to break out the RC. I appreciate all the work you have put into this, because let's face it, if we all wanted cookie cutter phones with basically no possibility for customizing, we'd all be using one of Verizon's dumbphones with their proprietary UI on it. If you have any point where you need a crash test dummy, let me know. I haven't had an insurance claim in a while and I am in the process of filling the pool for the year. I wonder if an Omnia brick sinks like the rest do?
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 02:13 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's Base ROM

That could have to do with lack of ringtones, I deleted a lot of them. Try adding some.

The later roms do not have this issue.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 02:13 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's Base ROM

I looked at a little more and it doesnt change everything, it just seems that the connection established and the Phone: incoming call are linked together somehow and when you change one it changes the other to do the same
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