Hello. This is my cooked Windows Mobile 6.1 rom, built upon the beta CC20 image for the Verizon i910. It does not work with any other i910 than the one sold by Verizon.
This rom is clean, mean, and lean. It is designed for long battery life, stability, speed, and customizability.
All Verizon apps
Most Samsung apps except for Samsung dialer (disabled).
Elias async killer
NEWER 1% battery driver w/ taskbar icons that can read it*
Updated Windows Live
Bluetooth icon in taskbar
Performance enhancers
Battery life enhancers
Escalating Ringtone fix
Advanced Configuration Tool
Im Selector (for setting default SIPs)
Nice looking WM dialer skin
Acer Task Manager
Acer Zoom Status
14mb pagepool for enhanced performance, thanks to Shokka9
Screenshots don't show much, its basically a default Windows Mobile 6.1. Free space runs about 138mb, and 67mb free program memory.
*Hacked battery is an awesome feature, but may cause battery drain. In that case, use 1.4.1.
My faithful 6.1 followers, I have not forsaken you! So many chefs have abandoned 6.1, but I am still here. Enjoy!
1.7 Experimental build.
Removed Windows Live
Removed WakeupOnSMS
14mb pagepool
Upgraded OS from 5.2.20961(CC20) to 5.2.21051.
140.43mb space, 64.20mb ram free
Latest release 1.6
Previous release 1.5
Previous release 1.4.1
How to Flash (stolen from blazingwolf
Use UMDL and click on the PDA button. Browse to the location where you placed the bin file and click on open. The file will load. Once it is loaded click on Detect. Now turn your device off by holding the power button until you see the shutdown gif. Once your device is shutdown plug it in to your pc. No turn your device back on by pressing and holding the power button. UMDL should detect your device and start loading the new ROM on to your device.