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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 09:22 PM
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Sprint Denies PPC customers from sending picmail

This is all over the net, and all over this site. I have been doing a lot of looking around and found what I believe is the reason we suddenly can't use the Arcsoft MMS to send picmail. The answer is Sprint is blocking Pocket PC customers from using "Third party" apps to send picmail. Blocking. Not a new server IP, not another hack will work. Therefore if you have a Sprint # that is to your PPC, they have set the MMS server to deny access, forcing us to send pix via e-mail. There is an active petition at Sprint's forum, I'd suggest anyone to sign up and add your complaint.

Site: www.buzzaboutwireless.com

The petition: http://forums.buzzaboutwireless.com/...thread.id=2455

Edit (Malatesta)

Full Story on the history and details fo the Sprint "no MMS on WM" policy. I suggest it for those not familiar and looking to catchup.

Story: Sprint, MMS and Windows Mobile: Why They Hatin'?
Former Windows Mobile enthusiast and developer, now a modder working on Android. I still have my PPC 6700 and HTC Touch, but I'm rocking a OnePlus 7 Pro

Last edited by Malatesta; 04-04-2008 at 02:56 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 09:25 PM
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Yes, we kinda suspected this was the case. However, their "defense" will be that these devices were never advertised to have Picture Mail. Hopefully this will push them to make some changes.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 09:56 PM
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getting after sprint on mms issue

we all need to call and email sprint and complain, do it and do it often!!!!!
also thier is a petiton on buzzaboutwireless.com sign it and say something. this is my email and responses from sprint. you kinda have to read from top to bottom as its posts then replies.

Thank you for your reply.

*****, I understand that you are not able to use the Vision features on your handset. Therefore, I have forwarded the issue to the technical department so that the issue can be resolved as soon as possible.

We value your business and always look forward to the opportunity to provide you excellent service now and in the future. Thank you and have a great day!

Albert J.
Business E-Care

Original Message Follows:
Thanks for the extra minutes, but they do me know good, as we never go over. They are far from compensation for the inadequacy sprint has done by taking away and shutting down phone to phone texting pics. This is a huge issue for me and tens of thousands of others, one of you should take the time and google " htc mms" or " htc touch pics " or anything in that pertains to that thought, and you will see just SOME of the angry customers sprint has caused. This is one, if not the most expensive, phone sprint offers and it does not have the very basic offerings the cheap phones has.BIG NO NO HERE SPRINT, SHAME ON YOU. This is suppose to be a smart phone. Not a we make a cool expensive phone but take away the normal much used everyday features phone. I have a 6 month old and a 3 year that i text pics of to family member and freinds all the time and now i cannot evendo that !!!my family and freinds are losing out beause of sprints neglegiance!!! I love this phone but hate the s
ervice , i pay for power vision and pics but don't get both. FIX IT AND MAKE IT A REAL SMARTPHONE, NOT A HALF ASS IT KINDA WORKS PHONE!!!! TAKE CARE OF ME AND YOUR LOYAl SPRint CUSTOMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and seriously GOOGlE IT and you will see. I took my phone in for service yesterday and the lady said she has had a lot of mad people come in about this, and she said she is expecting a lot of returns, nice job sprint. And i maybe one of them yet, to bad, i really really love this phone. But feel sprint does not care, they made their sale. -----Original Message-----
From: Sprint Customer Solutions - eCare3 <ecare3@cc.sprintpcs.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2008 11:16 PM
To: *********
Subject: RE: Care #**********(Plans, Features, and Services - PictureMail) (K**********)

Dear ********,

Thank you for your reply.

First of all, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you are experiencing in using Sprint website.

Thank you for taking the time to write in and let us know where we need to update/improve our services. I really appreciate your feedback in this regard, as it is your feedback that enables us to update/improve the services as per the customers` needs.

I have forwarded your note to the appropriate department so that they may take the necessary action in this regard. We value the relationship built with you and trust that one odd, unfortunate incident will not come in the way of this association.

To compensate the inconvenience caused to you, I am adding a bundle of 60 Anytime Minutes to your account absolutely free.

These minutes will be available for the current bill cycle and I request you to use these minutes before the current bill cycle ends to make maximum use of them.

If you have any issues related to the service or the account, please write back to me. I will make sure that the issue is resolved to your satisfaction.

Thank you for contacting Sprint, we were happy to assist you. Please feel free to write back if you have any other questions.

Have a great day!

Shawn M.
Business E-Care

Original Message Follows:

account # 0572385891-5
*************.com> Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 08:47:57 -0600> From: ecare3@cc.sprintpcs.com> To: **********.com> Subject: Re: Care #20080201220231177 (Plans, Features, and Services - PictureMail) (K************)> > Dear ******,> > Thank you for emailing Sprint. I understand your concern regarding the sending picture through text.> > Sprint takes customer privacy and security seriously. Therefore, in order to assist you with this concern and provide you with the account specific information, I need to verify you as the account holder. This is done to ensure security of your account. However, I am unable to do so as you have not submitted your inquiry by logging on to your account. > > Please reply to this email and provide the following information: > > 1. PCS Account Number. > 2. Email Address on account.> > Once you reply with these information, I will be happy to assist you with your concern.> > Thank you for emailing us. Have a great day.> > Draven A.> E-Ca
re> Sprint > > > Original Message Follows:> ------------------------> ================================================== ======================> Name: *********88> Form: Ask A Question Learn OR Feedback and Suggestions - Learn> Topic: Plans, Features, and Services> Contact Number: > ================================================== ======================> Original Question: why dont you enable picture mail through text.> Question: why dont you enable picture mail through text like any other phone out there. you have thousands upon thousands of angry customers out there, including myself. I specifically told them when I bought this phone so I can send alot of text pics and they said no problem. Your own salesmen didnt know this feature was DISABLED BY SPRINT!!!! works on same style phone through other carriers. you will lose customers over this stupid decision. why dont you just do an automatic update and FIX YOUR STUPID MISTAKE AND MAKE MMS WORK THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TOO. WA
ke up and make thEs enable this feature before you start losing customers and have people bad mouthing sprint. you spend this kinda money and it doesnt have normal features. VERY DISSAPOINTING!!!!! pHONE TO PHONE PICS IS THE BEST WAY TO SEND PICS BETWEEN FRIENDS RIGHT AWAY. NOT EMAILING.> ================================================== ======================>
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 09:59 PM
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sprint sucks

but SERO is too good to pass up
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 12:04 AM
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I seriously doubt it
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 12:05 AM
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Originally Posted by wldthng842 View Post
I seriously doubt it
Doesn't hurt to keep our hopes up

I think we all know it's a fat chance, but I guess weirder things have happened.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 06:29 AM
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hey guys I googled some info ....... sprint signed a cotract with verizon for mms with a bunch of carriers this is to boost usage ?????????? it's all starting to make cents $$$$$ I wonder if they are trying to pull this off as a new service to charge ppc users for it ? hope not .But at least it's a small light at the end of the tunnel.....LOL!!!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 11:01 AM
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what was the date on this article?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 01:28 PM
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I can't help but think that Sprint should have more important things to do than to utilize employees and allocate resources to ensure that customers paying for data packages cannot send Picture Mail. What a waste.
Good talk...Nice listen.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2008, 01:47 PM
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this is what i found and its old news 2005:
No more Oil field work, yay me!

Trying to get a job as Technical Consultant, Service and Repair at a Sprint store in El Paso, Tx Wish me luck
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