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Old 09-23-2010, 11:40 PM
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Tutorial: Guide to Overclock your phone the EASY way, OCT v1.5 settings explained

There still seems to be a bit of confusion about how to overclock your phone.

There are 3 ways to overclock, the newest and easiest way is with "OCT v1.5", the other two ways are the older and more complicated to install.

Yes, this works on battery, your phone DOES NOT need to be plugged in.

If you are interested in doing it the other two ways, it is basically explained here and you can do your own research from there.


As overclocking progressed, it was all about getting the phone not to crash or to not get the SOD or screen of death. Everyone was trying all these different settings and regeistry edits and so forth, then "iwfratz" released "OCT v1.5" and it was Game Over, no more locking up or SOD and it was simple to use and install.

So, how do you install and use it you ask?

*Disclaimer, you can screw your phone up, don't blame me, blah blah. I haven't heard of someone frying their phone doing this though. Back your phone up before doing this*

1. Download "OCT v1.5", simply click on the attachment at the bottom of this post. Now NinjaDuck was kind enough to repack it with Icons and made it even easier to install, please thank him.


2. If you downloaded the cab onto your computer, you need to transfer it to your phone's memory or storage card or use activesync to install it.

3. Installing it to your storage card will allow you to pop out the storage card and reset should you have a problem. I personally prefer to have it installed on the phone, but I don't adjust the settings to always be maxed, so if it crashes on restart it won't be at max. Then I can adjust the settings. I'll explain this later in the thread.

4. Adjust settings. In Your "tools" folder you will have three shortcuts "CONFIG", "ON" "OFF"

ON and OFF, turn the overclocking, you guessed it, "ON" and "OFF", "OFF" should be a icon with a processor with a "blue" flame, "ON" will be an icon with a processor and a "red" flame. This great if you don't want to be OC'd all the time and just for applications that needs more juice, games, browsers and so forth.

"Config" will be a processor with a "crescent wrench" above it.

Open that and you will see your settings, initially they are set at:

CPU max = (don't remember, 600 something?)
# steps = 5
load max = 30%
load min = 15%
jump max = 50%
jump min = 3%

Interval = 1000ms

---*Settings Explained

CPU max is the max CPU that the phone will use, 748.8mhz in my experience is the max for a lot of TP2's, some can go higher and some need to be lower. 710mhz is a good starting point.

# steps is like how many times a transmission on a car shifts.

IF you set it to "0" then it will ALWAYS run at the CPU max. It's like only having top gear.

If you set it to "1" step, then you will have two speeds "Max" and "1/2" of max, because it shifts or steps once. Example, CPU max is 800mhz, the first step will be half at 400mhz. (rounded numbers for simplicity sake)

If you set it # steps = "2", then you have 3 speeds, with a max of 600mhz the first step would be 200mhz, the second 400mhz and the third step would be the max of 600mhz.

The load and jump settings are percentages, 30%, 15%, 50%, 3% of the load.

These settings determine when it changes from step to step, setting the steps to "0" makes these settings obsolete because it nevers changes speed..

The load "Min and Max" are the percentages that tell it to go up a step or come down a step in speed. When the load reaches 30% it will "shift" to the next step/mhz and when the load drops to 15% it drops down a step/mhz.

Using 800mhz max with 7 steps as an example, each step would be 100mhz. Initial step is 100mhz, the 2nd step would bring it to 200mhz, 3rd would be 300mhz and so on.

If the processor was running at 800mhz and the load dropped to 15% load min, then it would step down to 700mhz. If the processor was running at 300mhz and the load dropped to 15% load min, it would step down to 200 mhz. Vice versa, if the load at 700mhz reaches 30% load max, then it shifts up to the next step of 800mhz. 30% load at 200mhz would step it up to 300mhz and so on.

Jump "Max and Min" control when it jumps straight to the max CPU or the lowest step. Using the previous example (800mhz max, 7 steps), if the CPU is using 200mhz and it hits "50%" load, instead of going to the next step at 300 mhz, it jumps straight to 800mhz. If the load then drops below "3%" at 800mhz, it will jump all the way down to 100mhz instead of going down one step to 700mhz.

Interval = how often it it checks the load in ms = milliseconds

At 1000ms, it's checking the load every 1000 milliseconds. The lower the number, the more often it checks. If you set your steps to "0", then you can set this to "0" because the program shouldn't need to check the load because it's not changing steps.

Now for suggestions on settings, there is a WHOLE thread on settings that people are using.


5.Hit the "set" button and that will change the settings to your new adjustments, but DOES NOT turn on the overclocking.

Now hit "OC on/off" once and only once. It should now be overclocking. The reason you only hit "OC on/off" once is because if the phone freezes from the cpu MAX being too high, when you reset, it will revert to the previous settings.

If you turn it on and off and then on again, those settings become the default on restart and if they cause the phone to crash on start, then you have to remove the storage card before rebooting (if you installed it on the card).

IF you installed it to the phone, it's more important that you do not turn it on more than once with settings high enough to possibly freeze your phone. If you only turn it on once and it freezes, reseting will revert it to the previous settings.

Once you adjust the settings you want, hit "exit GUI"

You should notice stuff moving faster. Try opening the programs/games that use the most processor. If it freezes, reboot and lower the CPU max. If you want to turn it off, simply click the "off" shortcut with the processor and the "blue" flame. Or go back into the program and turn it off there.

This is such a great phone, if it only had a faster processor out of the box. Now with overclocking it makes it literally a new phone.

Again, for settings, try what people have posted in the "Settings" thread.
same link as above



Attached Files
File Type: cab Ninja Duck OCT 1.5 Repack.1.1.cab (57.8 KB, 161 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by bobturismo; 10-06-2010 at 01:35 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 01:04 AM
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Re: How to guide: Overclock your phone the EASY way, OCT v1.5 settings explained

So just for informational basis do you need to have netrippers app installed at all for this to work? or is all you need OCT 1.5? thanks so much for the info
I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 01:19 AM
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Re: How to guide: Overclock your phone the EASY way, OCT v1.5 settings explained

Originally Posted by killerkhatiby009 View Post
So just for informational basis do you need to have netrippers app installed at all for this to work? or is all you need OCT 1.5? thanks so much for the info
Just OCT v1.5, nothing else, no scripts, no netrippers app, nothing.

I hope that maybe people can enjoy this phone now, a lot more like it should be.

Last edited by bobturismo; 09-24-2010 at 01:27 AM.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2

clock, oc, oct 1.5, oct v1.5, overclock

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