4G Toggle App: difference in battery life?
Has anyone tried this app and noticed a difference in battery life?
HTC Thunderbolt Gets 4G Toggle, Samsung Charge & Droid Bionic Too Would love to hear some feedback... |
I got my TB and left it all stock for now so that I could do some testing. I am not in a 4G area so my battery will drain if I left the 4G radio on. That being said my first day with the TB after charging it all night the night before did not last for me at all. I got to work at around 7 am, my phone mostly stays in my pocket while I am working and I do get an occassional text or call which I honestly normally never answer. So that day my phone completely died about the time I finished my lunch. At about 2 pm.
The next day after charging it all night the night before. I installed that app and turned the 4G radio off, by the time I left work that night about 7 pm I still had about 70-80% left judging from the battle icon. I believe this app that allowed me to turn off the 4G radio greatly improved my battery life. I am sure experiences could differ, but you really don't have anything to lose if you try it out. Best of luck. Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.
Re: 4G Toggle App: difference in battery life?
Yeah I tried this out and it seems to make a significant difference in the battery life. I don't live in a 4G area, so i turned off the 4G, and my battery is lasting a lot longer. I used to go about 12 hours and be at about 20% battery, and now i can go the same 12 hours and be at about 60-70% battery.
Definitely worth it. Only downside is there's not toggle widget yet.... |
Re: 4G Toggle App: difference in battery life?
I've not downloaded this yet, but I work in a 4g area but live in a 3g area. My phone will last me from 10am to sometime at night. This is with moderate text, calls, and internet surfing. I have no problem with my phone lasting me a day with the amount of use I have. It's a mini computer, so complaining the phone only last for 3hrs on 4g because your online or playing the games is like complaining your laptop only last a few hrs too. Usually if I don't surf the internet every break I get at work it will last me two days of texting and calls.
Re: 4G Toggle App: difference in battery life?
I personally use it, and it's helped considerably. I live in a cellular black hole, and my main work site is in 4G coverage, but with the RF shielding, I can barely get 3G. So at home and work, I have WiFi on, and occasionally turn 4G on, like waiting for a doctors appointment.
Last weekend, with a modified kernel, I took it off the charger around 4pm Friday, and didn't charge it until Sunday night around 7pm, only because it was at 22%, and I didn't want to risk anything going wrong over night, and my alarm not going off in the morning. My average draw with everything turned on, and idling at 122 MHz, is somewhere around 35mA or so. Z
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Re: 4G Toggle App: difference in battery life?
battery life is great if u turn off 4g wen not in use!
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