I got my TB and left it all stock for now so that I could do some testing. I am not in a 4G area so my battery will drain if I left the 4G radio on. That being said my first day with the TB after charging it all night the night before did not last for me at all. I got to work at around 7 am, my phone mostly stays in my pocket while I am working and I do get an occassional text or call which I honestly normally never answer. So that day my phone completely died about the time I finished my lunch. At about 2 pm.
The next day after charging it all night the night before. I installed that app and turned the 4G radio off, by the time I left work that night about 7 pm I still had about 70-80% left judging from the battle icon. I believe this app that allowed me to turn off the 4G radio greatly improved my battery life. I am sure experiences could differ, but you really don't have anything to lose if you try it out.
Best of luck.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.