Windows Phone Marketplace is Live!
I tried it out, it's a little slow in the scrolling through apps, but hey, at least it's up and running now.
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Re: Windows Phone Marketplace is Live!
If it doesn't work for you then try this...
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=88683 |
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.60 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/5.0.15650/998; U; en) Presto/2.2.0)
I was about to post a new thread about this. Glad I searched. I tried it out and it works fine but the dimentions are off when using it on WM6.5.1. App downloading works fine and everything else looks good.
Re: Windows Phone Marketplace is Live!
Seems to not be working on Energy rom, I've tried everything besides a new rom. Time to flash I guess . People even have this running on stock rom with the cab