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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2011, 07:45 PM
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Exclamation WHAT IS BETTER? iPhone 4S or Droid Photon!?

I currently am planning on either purchasing the iPhone 4S (probably 32 gig) or Android Photon on the SPRINT network, and I really need help on choosing which is best. I know this is a broad question, but just in general, what really is the "best" phone?

To my SHOCK, every employee in my local sprint store suggested the Droid Photon over the iPhone 4S, saying the iPhone was just the "cool" phone right now, is not better than the Droid Photon, and it is as simple as that. Is it really "that simple"?

Please, any and all serious feedback/opinions etc. (hopefully based on fact!) would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much PPCGeeks!

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2011, 10:00 PM
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Re: WHAT IS BETTER? iPhone 4S or Droid Photon!?

Well it really depends on what you looking for.
Personally... I hate Iphones.
I kinda hate droid too lol.
But with windows mobile pretty much dead in the way of development because of wp7 being soooo restrictive..
I am taking the lesser of 2 evils and going droid. mIts widly customizable and developer friendly.
So far as I know.. iOS5 is still locked up.

as far as specs go...
Here is the iPhone
-3g, for atnt its spouse to be almost 4g because it is able to switch between GSM and CDMA on its own On GSM it can transmit at 1900 MHz, but CDMA only about 800 MHz. And sprint is ONLY CDMA for the iphone.
-3.5 in retina display (640x960 pixle res)
-8 mega pixle rear facing cam, 1.5 front (I think)
-Built in Lithium-ion battery (advertised 8 hour talk time)
-Height: 4.5 inches
-Width: 2.31 inches
-Depth: 0.37 inches
-Weight: 4.9 ounces (140 grams)
-3way gsensor
-Dual Core A5 1.5 Ghz processor

Heres your photon
-4g capable (reverts to 3g when 4g is unavailable)
-4.3 in wvga display (540x950 res)
-8 mega pixel cam
-16gb onboard memory with sdcard slot upgradable to 32gb
-1700 mAh Lithium-ion battery (advertised 10 hour talk time)
-Height: 5 inches
-Width: 2.6 inches
-Depth: 0.5 inches
-Weight: 5.6 ounces (158 grams)
-3way accelorimiter
-1ghz dual core processor

Now on different note.... the iphone only has a one button do it all feature. so your going to have to learn that a single press takes you home and leaves the program you just left still running in the background
and that a long press activates siri.. and that a double press lets you see whats running

the android on the other hand, has the 4 function buttons on the bottom.
home menu back and search
pressing home leaves the app running, pressing back will close it.
not to mension the android market.

Sure you have to root to get a few things to work..

But its not like iphone where cydia is only available after jail break. and lets be seriouse now.. thats where all the cool stuff is
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2011, 11:51 PM
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Re: WHAT IS BETTER? iPhone 4S or Droid Photon!?

Epic Touch 4G no question if I was getting a new phone with Sprint!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2011, 01:01 AM
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Re: WHAT IS BETTER? iPhone 4S or Droid Photon!?

if I was going by specs I would say the photon. but by user experience I would say get a wp7 phone (HTC Arrive) especially with mango out now. this video will give a comparison between the two: http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=IKfvUIZn7PA

after showing this video to one of my friends with an iPhone she said that it makes her iPhone seem all sucky and boring while still pretty.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2011, 01:08 AM
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Re: WHAT IS BETTER? iPhone 4S or Droid Photon!?

If you want the best suggestions, tell us what you use the phone for. We can tell you a million things but those things may not be things you care about. Give us a breakdown on whats most important to you so we can assist you better.

Oh and aedon, the Photon is also capable of GSM / HSPA.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2011, 02:00 AM
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Re: WHAT IS BETTER? iPhone 4S or Droid Photon!?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
If you want the best suggestions, tell us what you use the phone for. We can tell you a million things but those things may not be things you care about. Give us a breakdown on whats most important to you so we can assist you better.

Oh and aedon, the Photon is also capable of GSM / HSPA.

Oh? thanks, I didnt know, it wasnt on the spec sheet I read lol.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2011, 02:13 AM
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Re: WHAT IS BETTER? iPhone 4S or Droid Photon!?

Originally Posted by gullzway View Post
Epic Touch 4G no question if I was getting a new phone with Sprint!
I was seriously concidering this one too till I heard about the HTC Evo Design 4G

Its a 4.0 screen with 540x960 res
1.2 single core qualcom processor
1.5 mega pixle front facing cam, 5.o rear facing
Sense 3.0
Android 2.3.4
World phone (supports sim card and runs on GSM and CDMA through sprints wimax)
4 gb on board em (3 taken by OS)
8gb sd card
1550 mAh battery (7hours)
best part.. 100 bucks out the door

Depending on how this phone looks I might pick it up
It just got realeased today (being the 23rd) I just have to wait for the sotres to open so I can go look at it

It is sapouse to be an inbetween from the evo shift to the evo 3d and is sapouse to replace the original evo now that its off the shelf :l

BUT on my reconasence to the sprint store today to ask about it...
I learned about a new beast.

November 15th ish... Google Nexus II is comming out.
It is almost exactly like the Galexy II in terms of demensions and processor and even resolution,except the phone is pure google android.
None of the blooted samsung interface or apps.
So it should run alot faster then the Galexy II
Im not sure what android its going to be running since the rep said that new android versions should be hitting the shelf soon, but the phone comes at the very least with 2.3.4

But from what he told me the phone will have the same processor, same screen, same res, same button configurations.
Just stripped from touchwiz. thats what he called it, I guess thats their(samsungs) user interface
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2011, 03:13 AM
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Re: WHAT IS BETTER? iPhone 4S or Droid Photon!?

Originally Posted by aedon View Post
It is sapouse to be an inbetween from the evo shift to the evo 3d and is sapouse to replace the original evo now that its off the shelf :l
Its a CDMA version of HTC Sensation 4G actually..

November 15th ish... Google Nexus II is comming out.
It is almost exactly like the Galexy II in terms of demensions and processor and even resolution,except the phone is pure google android.
None of the blooted samsung interface or apps.
So it should run alot faster then the Galexy II
Im not sure what android its going to be running since the rep said that new android versions should be hitting the shelf soon, but the phone comes at the very least with 2.3.4

But from what he told me the phone will have the same processor, same screen, same res, same button configurations.
Just stripped from touchwiz. thats what he called it, I guess thats their(samsungs) user interface
um..Google Nexus II? Do you mean the Nexus Prime? if so they have different processors and different screen and resolution.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2011, 11:17 AM
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It's the Galaxy Nexus, not the Nexus Prime.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2011, 01:34 PM
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Exclamation Re: WHAT IS BETTER? iPhone 4S or Droid Photon!?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
If you want the best suggestions, tell us what you use the phone for. We can tell you a million things but those things may not be things you care about. Give us a breakdown on whats most important to you so we can assist you better.

Oh and aedon, the Photon is also capable of GSM / HSPA.
Honestly, I'm not going to be using it for super complicated things. I just want to make the best decision when spending this much money. With my upgrade discounts, the price is close enough between the two (iPhone 4S is a little more expensive).

I have heard that the employees at Sprint may be pushing the Droid because they don't earn much commission on the iPhone 4S...anyone heard that?

What I'm going to use the phone for.
  • Calling (duh)
  • Texting
  • Email
  • Skype
  • Internet Surfing
  • GPS
  • Applications

To be honest I'm upgrading from a TP2 here (with no upgraded ROM or anything), so I'm sure I'll be overwhelmed by both of these phones potential.

Battery life is important to me, getting a good case so I don't crack my screen is important (lol) and yeah...that's all I can think of right now.

Any more help/feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!!
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