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Old 02-11-2011, 09:55 AM
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[WP7 Custom ROM] - football - [ROM][WP7] HD2 Project - WindowsPhone7

I am hosting this ROM with the permission of football.

I will update this thread as soon as he releases any updates and will try to support this thread as much as I can

Ok guys, since I realised ROM for Russian forum some ppl were asking me for making ROM for XDA, so here it is...

Current Version:

Avalible Languges:
English, German, French , Italian, Spanish
Avalible keyboards:
English, German, French , Italian, Spanish
OEM version:
Windows Phone version:

1. HD7 Theme style
2. Activated Chervon hack
3. Reduced volume level
4. Added some security policies
5. Added MMS profile
6. Added HTC section at marketplace
7. Performance and other registry tweaks
8. Changed lockscreen picture
9. Google search engine in IE
10. Other changes

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

How to install:
1. You need installed MAGLDR 1.13 or higher
2. Enter MAGLDR loader by pressing "Power button"
3. Choose point 5 - "USB Flasher" then press Green button
4. Run DWI.exe (Vista/ W7 user should do that with administrator rights)
5. Done, you have WP7 ROM on your device

Thanks DFT team for WP7
Thanks AnDim for great tools

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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC HD2 > WP7 On The HD2

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