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Old 09-11-2009, 10:49 AM
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Standalone WM 6.5 Sound Schemes/Themes?

Hi All,

I have a what may be a DUMB question from a relative n00b.

Now, believe it or not, I have searched for this answer. So please no "your an idiot comments".

I was wondering whether anyone has put together standalone custom sound themes. I mean like full sound sets that do not change the visual but set up an entire sound and notification set.

If there is a particular name for this kind of scheme, please let me know.

As a general hello to all, I have been using this site and XDA (seemingly the same forum users) and I have to say, the developers have done wonderful things. A general thank you for all your hard work.

Best regards,
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Old 09-11-2009, 10:58 AM
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Re: Standalone WM 6.5 Sound Schemes/Themes?

Iv not seen this, but it would be kinda cool to have a "Theme" for all your sounds. (Ring,Messages,MMS,Messenger,Start Up,ShutDown)

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