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Old 08-23-2010, 04:40 PM
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.cab for the Soft Edge White Stock Icons?

I have been looking everywhere and I can not find a simple cab or even a walk-through on how to get a complete set of the stock taskbar icons that have soft edges and have a working data indication. I use energyrom reference mostly and he has custom taskbar icons but the ones he include do not have a working data indicator (as soon as you connect data it goes back to stock) I was a huge fan of Mighty Rom back when he was making roms, and he had a complete stock iconset that looked super clean, sadly I was never able to get a .cab of the icons out of him lol. (He mentioned it was a lot of work but didn't explain much of what the work entailed or I would have hacked it together myself.

Either way if anyone could tell me how to get these icons or supply me with them that would be awesome.

The icons I am asking about are similar to the attached pic.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg DGBlackWhiteDialer2.JPG (51.4 KB, 44 views) Click for barcode!

Phone History with Sprint: Samsung N400 (Lockup King) - Toshiba VM4050 (Great Screen. No BT) - PPC6700 (Squishy Touchscreen) - Mogul (USB Port No More) - Touch Pro (Davy Jones Locker) - Touch Pro 2 (Oldie But Goodie) - HTC Arrive (I<3WP) : History of Pocket PC's: Dell Axim X50V WM6.5.3 (Still the best VGA PDA gaming and multimedia device since 2004)
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > Windows Mobile Hacks/Tweaks > Pocket PC Themes > WM6.5.x PPC Themes

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