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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-17-2009, 12:16 AM
phoenixx's Avatar
Pocket PC: Moto Q
Carrier: Verizon
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Flash Moto Q from Qwest to Verizon

Being the really great guy I am, when Qwest decided not to do cell service anymore, I put my wife's cell on my account and got her a new phone (not the Q). Long story short, she wants me to get her Moto Q back working so she can use it in her car. I need to flash from Qwest to Verizon and cannot find anybody to help. I saw a video on uTube but I cannot find the software that was mentioned. In particular, the CDMA and drivers for the phone. Can you guys help? It is her B-Day on Friday and I am unemployed, like a BUNCH of other people thanks to, well, I won't get political but suffice to say I am unemployed and would like to give my wife something she really wants, her old Moto Q back.

Can you halp me?


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