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Old 01-03-2011, 12:32 PM
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Crackdown 2 - Project Sunburst

I downloaded Crackdown 2 - Project Sunburst last week, and after a week of trying it out... I hated it in the begining, but now I love it. Using your GPS location, you can build bases and once have 3 bases, can activate sunburst...

Have to start tutorial manually, doesn't give option in the first place. And so when you start tutorial after you build you bases, it will reset everything. Not a good thing when you put in hours.

Connection issues with XBOX 360 - Crackdown 2. Using 3G or Wifi, it doesn't connect sometimes and so have to turn off the phone and back on to connect to XBOX server.

People with Deluge Addon has advantage of extra features, but doesn't register it properly with WP7 for some reason. We think it takes time to register with WP7 server from XBOX server.. but not confirmed.

Real time play... when it says that it will take 3 days to build your bases.. it takes 3 days... more realistic
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Old 01-03-2011, 04:22 PM
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Re: Crackdown 2 - Project Sunburst

I downloaded this a few weeks ago but I haven't really had the time to play it yet. Thanks for the mini review
At&t iPhone 8 Plus
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