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Old 10-01-2013, 05:04 AM
jk130924ux's Avatar
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The concept of pure wool and logo

The concept of pure wool and logo In the market, people can often see wool products are "pure wool" or "100%" wool two signs, some people think, "wool" is equivalent to "100% wool", does not. Literally "pure wool" should be 100% wool. But in fact, in the production process in order to improve the performance of the textile fiber, the fabric is more durable, and some products often have to add some non-polyester or nylon wool fibers. For the amount added to the national standard has been clearly stipulated. Thus, we understand. Wool products are not 100% wool,down coat, wool products indicated, it is has been added to non-wool fibers specified range, which should be less than 100% wool products and low prices. In short, in an increasingly prosperous market buy roses wool textiles, apart from the use of see, touch, and asked, more efforts and other measures identified above, from the price point for analysis. Of course, the safest thing is to continue to increase knowledge about the product. 相关的主题文ç«*ï¼ š Fabric material is used to make clothing.P1
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