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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2012, 06:52 AM
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[App] Budget Check 1.5

Hi all

I want to introduce the new version of Budget Check
Main changes in this version is the update of the user interface.

About feedback and comments I would be very happy.


With the app "Budget Check" it is very easy to give a clear and structured overview about your financial cost and income.
Single month bookings, but also series bookings in various intervals can be made.
You can store many categories and customize that with many icons.
In several diagrams obtains a additional overview of the individual categories and months.
The data can be stored locally on the mobile phone or on DropBox. By useing data storage on DropBox you can access your data from multiple phones.
For faster accounting / analysis you can also add links to your Windows Phone Homescreen (Live tiles).

features overview
- series bookings (periodic revenue / expenditure)
- selfdefined categories
- Adapting on the phone design
- Analysis with charts
- Data storage local or on dropbox
- Shortcuts on Windows Phone Homescreen (Live tiles)



As I said, about feedback and comments I would be very happy.
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