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Old 10-04-2011, 03:59 PM
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Is there a way to Play Flash videos yet?

Has anyone come out with a way to play Adobe Flash videos yet in Mango? I know MS isn't supporting it but was wondering if there's another player out there or some other way to do it. I seem to go online to watch Webisodes and other video casts and they all are using Flash to play.

Kinda stinks since I wanted to watch the Walking Dead Webisodes before the new season starts.
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Old 10-04-2011, 10:32 PM
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Re: Is there a way to Play Flash videos yet?

nope,not currently. there may be a site that hosts those webisodes that is html5 capable (dailymotion for example) so I would look there first. another thing u can do is ask adobe when they will release flash for wp7 or ask the web developer of the site u goto when they will make it html5 capable.
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Old 10-05-2011, 12:02 PM
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Re: Is there a way to Play Flash videos yet?

You really don't need flash anymore with the updated Mango IE9, because most sites work with HTML5. I have only run into a few sights that needed Flash. If you have not updated to Mango you should do so.
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Old 10-05-2011, 01:15 PM
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Re: Is there a way to Play Flash videos yet?

I don't really go into many sites for videos. the last one I went to was yesterday. the AMC T.V. site to watch the webisodes for The Walking Dead. It wouldn't play since I didn't have the latest version of Flash installed. And, I've noticed a few other sites that occasionally might have something on them that have come up with the same issue. Nothing noted for HTML5.
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