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Old 06-28-2011, 07:18 PM
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Kik Is Now Available For WP7

Windows Phone 7 gets its Kik, too -- Engadget Mobile

It would seem Kik, everybody's almost favorite free messaging service -- except those on a BlackBerry, perhaps -- has added Windows Phone 7 to its list of supported platforms. What's Kik you ask? Well, in case you've been hiding under a rock, Kik's an instant messaging app with BBM-like features such as message status which lets you know if your message has been read, received, or if whomever you messaged is typing back. Throw in photo sharing and the fact that it is free, and well, you get the idea. While any mobile messaging app of this sort requires some selling on the part of the early adopters we'd guess by the uptake on both Android and iOS that Kik will quickly become a pretty hot property on the Windows Marketplace. So tell us, are you as hip and cool as Jon and Jessica and "down" with this type of service? Feel free to let us know in the comments below.

i just downloaded the app myself but i have no contacts i never used it just trying to see what the hype is about feel free to add me sedp23
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