03-22-2011, 09:26 AM
PPCGeeks Regular
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[APP] 1800PocketPC - wp7 apps and games news and review
Name: 1800PocketPC
The official app for 1800PocketPC & BestWP7Games is finally here. There are a few things to improve upon, but those will come in updates over time.
Features- Shows lists of articles from different feeds (News, Apps, Game reviews, Game News).
- Displays articles in a cut down, user friendly view, only showing the article itself, not the whole web page.
- Settings page that saves user info & which feed you want the “latest post” to come from.
- Links to 1800PocketPC’s mobile facebook & twitter web pages.
- Shows an about page which displays some information about the app & 1800pocketpc.com.
- Has a ‘contact us’ page where the user can choose to email the editor in chief or myself.
- Both landscape & portrait support on all pages except the home-screen.
- Shows the latest post from your chosen feed on the main page.
- Displays comments left on articles.
- It also has Ac????????ts
YouTube - 1800PocketPC.com app is here!
Source : 1800PocketPC
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