[Request] Location & Data Speed App
I turn to you, PPCG members, because you are the elite and I can trust that your expertise will help create/find an application that meets and exceeds all expectations.
I need an application developed for multiple platforms including Android, WM, and Web OS. Windows Mobile is most important, so if it is Windows Mobile-only for right now that is fine. But I would like to include Android and Web OS, and even mobile Mac OS X sometime in the future.
The idea for this application is for a person to download it and then run four data speed tests (upload and download), record the time and date of the test, what type of device it was used on, what carrier and the GPS location that the speed test took place at. If it is possible, it would also show what data band the test was run on (1900, 850, etc.). Then this application would need to export that data in a file format (could be as simple as .txt with all information) to be entered into a data base (unknown as of right now) so that statistics and analysis could be run on the mass data.
More details can be provided to those who accept this challenge. I have searched and searched and have not been able to find anything suitable. I lack coding abilities so I can not make this myself.