The Official PPCGeeks Twitter Thread
So I was trying to decide on a Twitter application to use on my device and thought, man it would be nice if there were some breakdowns and comparisons of the various twitter apps for our phones out there. So I decided to start a thread here.
In this post I will post various Twitter apps, links to downloads, descriptions and thoughts on each app as I have used it. Feel free to discuss your thoughts on these apps as well. If there are any particularly insightful review I may update them with the app. In the following post, I will post any ppcgeeks member's (who wants to be added) Twitter username. Just post it in this thread or PM and I will update the list. After that I will post general information or desktop apps that may be interesting to Twitter users. Feel free to post any apps that I may have missed and I will try to keep the first couple of posts up to date with those and new ones that are released. If you do not want to use an app, you can access the site at m.twitter.com on your device. Also, I decided ot go ahead and attach cabs if available. Remember it is possible something here has not been updated so it may be best to visit the home page for a product and see if a newer version is available. PPC Twitter Apps: Fring- An application that will connect you to various communication portals including AIM, Yahoo Chat, gchat, Facebook and Twitter. They have just recently added the Twitter 2.0 function to allow tweeting. It also has a today plugin. Go to m.fring.com from your device or here from your pc. PocketTwit- The blog of the developer of pocketwit. Go HERE for a direct download of Pockettit. Tiny Twitter- Go HERE for a direct download of the cab. Twit Today-This app allows one to tweet directly from their today screen, that is if you still actually use your today screen. It does not have any capability to receive tweets. Go HERE to navigate to the download page. Twobile- Go HERE to navigate to Twobile download. Hello TwitFace Here is an article about this app. Here is a download page for those interested in trying it out. Apparently this device will handle twitter and facebook. ceTwit- Go to this post to see what Santod says about ceTwit. He has also attached the program for download. Twikni- Thanks to badboy8813 for posting this here in the touch pro thread. Direct download. Shozu- Shozu is an application that does many things other than work as a twitter client. Go here to read their description on what Shozu is. Do you have Windows Mobile 6.5? Go to post 112 to get tweet from your titanium today screen or post 121 to see an app that will actually show tweets of folks you follow. Removed twitula from the list. From what I can tell, it is no longer under development. Last edited by zero157h7; 05-10-2009 at 04:28 PM. |
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Re: The Official PPCGeeks Twitter Thread
To go straight to these accounts type www.twitter.com/accountname
To direct tweet them begin your tweet with @username Twibes- Think twitter/tribes Any twitter account can create 3 so I created the following: www.twibes.com/ppcgeeks www.twibes.com/windowsmobile If anyone creates another twibes group let me know and I will put it on this list. www.twibes.com/sprint PPCGeeks Twitter Accounts Big D5 - Big_D5 boiker - boiker Bradart - Bradart chazybaz13 - Reflectionist DaPeeps - scottsimon1979 facemob - facemob48228 fino35 - fino35 fdbryant3 - FDBryant3 Genjinaro - Genjinaro gimme5 - andredg GREY.FOXX - MOE_GUNZ Keir333 - Keir333 Malatesta - malatesta77 Nautica2450 - atriskliving notrock - notrox omarnova - omarnova orionsbuckle - orionsbuckle The Official PPCGeeks Account - ppcgeeksdotcom sqarerootz - soulreservoir thacounty - thacounty wytecaztle -wytecaztle zero157h7 - blakemitchell PPC Related Twitter accounts- Official Microsoft Accounts Official Windows Mobile- windowsmobile Windows Mobile Dev Team- wmdev Loke Uei, Technical Project Manager, WMDEV - lokeuei Stephen Hegenderfer, Grou Porgram Manager, WMDEV- hegenderfer Luke Nyswonger, Developer Content Manager, WMDEV - lnyswonger Windows Mobile Australia- windowsmobileAU Windows Live- WindowsLive WM Connection - WMConnection Official Manufacturer Accounts- HTC- htc LG Blog UK- LGBlogUK Palm - palm_inc Software maker accounts- Point UI - pointui Viigo - Viigo Tiny Twitter -tinytwitter Blogs and websites devoted to WM or mobility- Freeware Pocket PC- freewareppc Mobile Jaw - MobileJaw WM Blast -wmblast Cool Smart Phone - coolsmartphone MS Mobiles- msmobiles Gizmodo - Gizmodo WM Experts - wmexperts Engadget Mobile - engadgetmobile The Boy Genius Report - boygeniusreport Pocket Now - pocketnowTweets WM Power User - wmpoweruser Fuze Mobility - fuzemobility Last edited by zero157h7; 06-19-2009 at 11:30 AM. |
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Re: The Official PPCGeeks Twitter Thread
Other cool Twitter related stuff
Go HERE to have your twitter account to automatically update your facebook profile to say the same thing. Go HERE if you have a wordpress blog and you want to install a plugin that will automatically tweet when you blog post, and let you have your tweets show up in your blog. Here are some downloads on the Twitter homepage. Twitter Fan Wiki Twitter PC Desktop Apps Twitter Mac Apps Twitter Linux Desktop Apps MOzilla Firefox Plugins Last edited by zero157h7; 06-28-2009 at 11:44 AM. |
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Re: The Official PPCGeeks Twitter Thread
I am also a PockeTwit user and I absolutely love it. The app is being actively developed and has a great developer behind it who is trying to make it the best it can be. And best of all, it's free.
It can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/pocketwit/ (I am totally not affiliated with PockeTwit, I just love the program!) |
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Re: The Official PPCGeeks Twitter Thread
Creator of iLife ROM Series ![]() Best... Member... Ever... ![]() |
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+1 for PockeTwit on the TP. Works very well and the developers always updating it. The updates are easy too cause everytime one is available his version of AppToDate lets you know. I'm constantly on Twitter so if you wanna follow me do so @soulreservoir.
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Re: The Official PPCGeeks Twitter Thread
My Twitter is MOE_GUNZ.
I keep getting a error message using TinyTwitter, Im going to try another one.
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Re: The Official PPCGeeks Twitter Thread
My Twitter name is the same as it is here-
Keir333 I haven't had a chance to try any Twitter apps for the PPC yet, but now I'm gonna give some of the ones posted here a try. Great idea for a thread! -Keir- P.S. You have been "Thanked" ![]()
"Falling down doesn't make you a failure.....staying down does"
Last edited by Keir333; 04-04-2009 at 03:18 AM. |
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