To go straight to these accounts type
To direct tweet them begin your tweet with @
Twibes- Think twitter/tribes
Any twitter account can create 3 so I created the following:
If anyone creates another twibes group let me know and I will put it on this list.
PPCGeeks Twitter Accounts
Big D5 - Big_D5
boiker - boiker
Bradart - Bradart
chazybaz13 - Reflectionist
DaPeeps - scottsimon1979
facemob - facemob48228
fino35 - fino35
fdbryant3 - FDBryant3
Genjinaro - Genjinaro
gimme5 - andredg
Keir333 - Keir333
Malatesta - malatesta77
Nautica2450 - atriskliving
notrock - notrox
omarnova - omarnova
orionsbuckle - orionsbuckle
The Official PPCGeeks Account - ppcgeeksdotcom
sqarerootz - soulreservoir
thacounty - thacounty
wytecaztle -wytecaztle
zero157h7 - blakemitchell
PPC Related Twitter accounts-
Official Microsoft Accounts
Official Windows Mobile- windowsmobile
Windows Mobile Dev Team- wmdev
Loke Uei, Technical Project Manager, WMDEV - lokeuei
Stephen Hegenderfer, Grou Porgram Manager, WMDEV- hegenderfer
Luke Nyswonger, Developer Content Manager, WMDEV - lnyswonger
Windows Mobile Australia- windowsmobileAU
Windows Live- WindowsLive
WM Connection - WMConnection
Official Manufacturer Accounts-
HTC- htc
LG Blog UK- LGBlogUK
Palm - palm_inc
Software maker accounts-
Point UI - pointui
Viigo - Viigo
Tiny Twitter -tinytwitter
Blogs and websites devoted to WM or mobility-
Freeware Pocket PC- freewareppc
Mobile Jaw - MobileJaw
WM Blast -wmblast
Cool Smart Phone - coolsmartphone
MS Mobiles- msmobiles
Gizmodo - Gizmodo
WM Experts - wmexperts
Engadget Mobile - engadgetmobile
The Boy Genius Report - boygeniusreport
Pocket Now - pocketnowTweets
WM Power User - wmpoweruser
Fuze Mobility - fuzemobility