Problem Halved, social networking for ppc?
Problem Halved was created in MEDL Mobile’s App Incubator by Rob Shoesmith, a dustbin man (trash collector) from Coventry, England. Rob wanted a unique way for people to share their problems with the world.
Problem Halved will allow people from around the globe to give you suggestions to help you solve your problems. You can post a problem or answer a problem – or do both - a problem shared is a problem halved, so don’t go it alone! This app was created for the iphone only.
Would be nice to have on a winmo device, what do u guys think about this? I now is possible to make something like that,anyone has seen something like this for a ppc? i remember while back i use a service call "chacha" where you text any question to a number "242242" and live people will answer to the question in a matter of minutes, i think this app does something like that. Thanks in advance for replaying.
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