Am I out of my mind or is NetFront the worst broswer ever?
In my attempts at finding a web browser for my pocket PC that could Zoom as well as use forms (DeepFish -_-) and view COS (Pixel) I decided to try the NetFront va3.4 Preview with it's PagePilot zoom feature. Now I consider myself a highly knowledged windows mobile user, yet I can't even figure out how to get to my bookmarks in this browser yet alone this PagePilot feature they rave all about! I see several different links that seem to be vaguely labeled as 'bookmark' which all seem to lead me to believe they are only to add said site. None of which actually work as it says I already have 10 bookmarks, when I indeed only have 2. I see no actual link to view my bookmarks. I also see no link for this 'PagePilot' application?
Am I missing something here, or did NetFront forget to add the basic features they list as their improvements on their site?