Originally Posted by volsmcfalls
What is the difference in Opera Mini and Opera Mobile? Is there a difference? I just see a lot of people using Opera Mini and wondered if there is a benefit to it. Thanks!
1. Opera Mini runs through a java vm(jbed) so you will need to install a good jbed and install browser.
2. Opera Mini runs through opera servers to speed up rendering of pages. same technology that Skyfire uses. Also the new opera mobile has turbo which also does this.
3. Its much faster, but less pretty. does save passwords for sites unlike opera turbo which is great. also works great adding comments to sites like ppcgeeks(brings up a text screen).
4. Opera mobile is much more refined, depending on the version, can get flash content to work descent as well.
I personally use both but find myself using mini more often because of the speed difference. However, once the new opera 9.7beta with turbo allows passwords to be saved, then mini will have some serious competition.