Originally Posted by Link9228
Just saying, if you care to read a thread, you will find a link.
It's in post 2.
Just saying, obviously i saw the link right below. Already had the DL from the older thread, didn't need it from here. I think you're missing my point. Release threads should always contain a link to whatever they're saying is out IN THE ORIGINAL POST. Someone else shouldn't have to post it for them. Was just pointing that out to the OP for next time. If you weren't so occupied with playing mommy, you would've realized that.
Originally Posted by rojaa
sorry, as I said, I was at work. Not allowed to be downloading personal stuff in the office. SO I rushed, didn't think about the link.
Just trying to be helpful, apparently not helpful enough.
Don't worry about it, i was just pointing out how it's usually done in case for next time. Wasn't trying to pick on you or anything. I'm all for people updating/helping, but links are the most important part of release threads...