Another brilliant creation from no2chem.
[5-1] nueShortcutMaker - makes... shortcuts, desktop tool
Desktop tool to make shortcuts, it can do other fun stuff like copy to your device automatically.
no2chem 30. April 2009 19:28

nueShortcutMaker is a tool I made after I decided I needed to make a lot of shortcuts and … counting the number of characters after the “#” sign wasn’t my idea of fun. It comes with drag/drop support and direct-write-to-device support as well. Would probably make an invaluable part of any ROM kitchen (i.e. feel free to add it as a tool to your ROM kitchen, as long as you attribute credit), though I wouldn’t be surprised if someone already wrote one (I didn’t find one anyway, except inside other programs)… You’ll need .NET 3.5 installed to use it. Let me know if you find it useful.