Accurate and usable GPS program?
I had a weekend trip and decided to give the TomTom app a go on my Fuze.. I've used it before on a 8525 w/ external bluetooth GPS and it worked very well..
I installed the latest version with the most up-to-date maps.. Everything worked pretty well until I got to a major city (Memphis, TN).. Suddenly it started having me turn every couple of miles.. Almost randomly, it didn't make sense.. At one point it had me turn and start going down airport rd.. Luckily I printed out some yahoo maps directions and was able to get back on track..
If that isn't bad enough, I ended up in the middle of abolutely no where.. I didn't trust TomTom anymore, so I fired up Googlemaps. It calculated a correct course to my destination, but my blue-dot was all over the place! One second I would be on the road, the next I would be off the road by a half mile, then I would be way over yonder almost on another road.. The range said 'within 5000 feet'.. Thats almost a mile! Not very accurate.. BUT- I was able to just follow the course and make the turns and ignore the blue-dot locator..
Is there something wrong with my GPS? Did I not have a setting correct in TomTom? Is there a way to make Googlemaps more accurate? Is there other, better software out there? Come to think of it, I had Windows Live installed and didn't even try it...