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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-03-2009, 09:53 PM
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[9/3] InCall Screen Tweak v1.2 (auto screen on/off during call) (battery drain fixed)

v.1.2 out now- battery drain bug fixed

Found this over at xda. Although still in beta, this app tries to solve the problem we have with the screen turning off during phone calls. Now you no longer have to hit the power button or the center d-pad button to turn the screen back on during calls. This app automatically turns the screen on giving access to the in call functions when the phone is not up to your ear, and then turns the screen off when you put it back up to your ear. (Does not work on devices without a G-sensor.)

Taken from the xda thread
Welcome to the Touch InCall Screen Tweak thread. This app is a collaboration between 600GOL (of changeScreen fame) and Steve Pritchard (of the lesser StartTomTom fame).

What does it do?
The purpose of the application is to switch on your screen during a call if you don't have it against your ear. This is useful if you need to enter digits for voicemail or telephone banking, etc.

How does it work?
The application, once installed, doesn't actually run until you make or receive a call, so it won't impact normal performance of the phone. When you are in a call, the application runs, and monitors the orientation of the phone, and will switch the screen on if the phone has been face up for around half a second or so. Once the phone is no longer face up for a similar period, the screen will go off again. You can repeat this cycle as many times as you like.

So it doesn't use the light sensor then?
No, it doesn't use the light sensor. We have experiemented with using the light sensor, but it doesn't seem to work when the screen is off, so it's of no use for switching the screen back on.

You can install the application from the attached cab file. You need to soft reset after installation for the application to work.
Please report how it worked for you, as well as what rom you are using over at the xda thread, and of course any bugs.


3 Sep 2009 - v1.2.0 - Bugfix Update
- This version addresses a bug that has been around for a while, but has been difficult to track down. It appears that an early beta introduced an excessive battery drain for some users, and this has now been tracked down, and addressed.

6 Aug 2009 - v1.1.3 - Update
It's been a while, but this minor update has the following changes:
- Fixes a bug with the "switch off after Bluetooth" call function.
- Fixes a bug which caused the left soft key to be pressed at the end of a call.
- The "switch off for Bluetooth", and "switch off after Bluetooth" facilities (which switch the screen off during, and after a bluetooth headset based call respectively) are now applicable to wired headset calls too.

31 May 2009 - v1.1.2 - Update
This version includes an option to turn off the AutoDeviceLock during a call, as described in this post, for better compatibility with SPB Mobile Shell 3.

21 May 2009 - v1.1.1 - Update
This version fixes a bug with the "Ignore first screen off" function. This bug is most noticeable in the situation where the phone canvas/utility/whatever turns the screen off before TICST gets the chance to. This version has been tested with PhonEx from IconSoft, and works as long as you switch ON the screen off during conversation facility.

5 May 2009 - v1.1.0 - Update
This version provides a number of new features:

- It will allow the switching between APM and non-APM (Advanced Power Management) mode via the config application. Non-APM will give the better experience, but you may find that your battery runs down quicker in this mode. If the option is greyed out, then you are already running in Non-APM mode, and you can't change it.
- An option to prevent the auto-unlock has been added
- The option to switch the screen off after a Bluetooth call has been added.
- The "Show phone at screen on" option has been changed slightly in that it will attempt to activate the existing instance of cprog.exe, rather than spawning a new one. This will hopefully help some people who were having problems with different dialers - most people won't notice any difference.
- Minor logic alteration to try and prevent too much "flashing" of the screen in some circumstances.

16 Apr 2009 - v1.0.20 - Update
This version provides a couple of new features:

- If the screen is locked with the WM Lock when the app switches the screen on, it will attempt to automatically unlock it.
- The app goes into an override mode if the speakerphone is switched on manually, or if the call type is a video call. NB. This is not the same override mode as if the screen is switched on/off manually, and the override timeout isn't applicable.

Past versions, as well as the full change log, can be found here.

From the Developer:
Thanks to all the people who have taken the time to give feedback, and upload logs. The logs really are the best way for me to try and work out what's gone wrong if you are having problems with the app, so please consider producing one and uploading it if you are having difficulties.

If you would like to consider making a donation, it is by no means necessary, but it is appreciated. (Donations made by this link will be split between 600GOL and Steve)

Attached Files
File Type: cab Touch_InCall_Screen_Tweak v1.2.0.CAB (51.0 KB, 177 views) Click for barcode!
If someone helps you out in any way, mind hitting the ?

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Last edited by GoodGets; 09-08-2009 at 02:15 AM. Reason: yellow type no longer looks good on the default skin, orange it is
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Old 03-03-2009, 10:36 PM
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Re: [3/3/09] Touch InCall Screen Tweak v1.0 (auto turns screen on/off during call)

This is a great app and its very responsive about half a second intervals
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2009, 12:34 AM
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Re: [3/3/09] Touch InCall Screen Tweak v1.0 (auto turns screen on/off during call)

Someone over at XDA just posted that this also works on the Diamond running the stock rom.

Originally Posted by gutrrob View Post
This is a great app and its very responsive about half a second intervals
What ROM are you running?

And to anyone else that posts here, mind posting your ROM as well?
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Old 03-04-2009, 12:44 AM
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Re: [3/3/09] Touch InCall Screen Tweak v1.0 (auto turns screen on/off during call)

Thank you very much! I was so bummed when I found out that this feature doesn't work as intended with the light sensor. But this solves the problem perfectly! Works great!

(Sprint CDMA Touch Pro using Stock ROM)
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Old 03-04-2009, 12:53 AM
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Re: [3/3/09] Touch InCall Screen Tweak v1.0 (auto turns screen on/off during call)

Unfortunately doesnt work for me with mightyrom 4.12 and ruskiyab dialer
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2009, 12:59 AM
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Re: [3/3/09] Touch InCall Screen Tweak v1.0 (auto turns screen on/off during call)

Great if this works as promised it will fix one of the big flaws with the phone, now it will work the way Iphone works.
History-Kyo 6035/Kyo 7135/Treo600/Treo650/Treo700p > HTC Touch Pro
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2009, 01:09 AM
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Re: [3/3/09] Touch InCall Screen Tweak v1.0 (auto turns screen on/off during call)

Originally Posted by bruceo View Post
Unfortunately doesnt work for me with mightyrom 4.12 and ruskiyab dialer
Were you using the ruskiyab Full_S2A_with_New_Skin.cab? Or, the Black_Dialer.cab?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2009, 01:36 AM
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Re: [3/3/09] Touch InCall Screen Tweak v1.0 (auto turns screen on/off during call)

Im running JDROM 7.1 with Juggalo white S2A and it works good.
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Old 03-04-2009, 01:41 AM
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Re: [3/3/09] Touch InCall Screen Tweak v1.0 (auto turns screen on/off during call)

awesome thanks


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Old 03-04-2009, 03:06 AM
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Re: Touch InCall Screen Tweak v1.0 [3/3/09] (auto turns screen on/off during call)

I'm using Merdin's latest, and it's NOT working at all. I wish I knew where the problem was because this is a cool app.
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