USB Power to BlackJack II Turns Off using ActiveSync 4.5
I'm using my BlackJack II to provide an Internet connection to my Acer Aspire One using Internet Connection Sharing. It worked fine using WM6.0 & ActiveSync3.?, with the added benefit that the phone was charged by the computer.
Since upgrading to WM6.1 and ActiveSync4.5, the phone no longer charges. USB power stays on until the devices are syncronized, then switches off.
How can I turn off this "feature?" I want the phone phone to charge, as it did before. The closest I've seen so far to a solution (for the Tilt phone), was: "Try going (on the Tilt) to Start/Settings/Connections(Tab)/USB-to-PC and uncheck the "advanced networking" box and try connecting again."
I see no such setting on the BlackJack II.