Originally Posted by JonV
I thought then that my initiating changes from the phone I'd be safe but this things seems MESSED UP (as the kids say). Deleted event mysteriously come back from the dead. Events I changed from all day to scheduled return to all day and wrong day.
I can't find a method yet that works consistently to sync calendar items. How can this be released in this shape? (and don't say it's in Beta as all Google software is in Beta status forever it seems).
I used to use Google Calendar sync for Outlook and don't recall fighting with it like this. I'll try your 11-1am method though.
After a good night's sleep I woke up this morning with the answer as to why I was seeing deleted and changed events "mysteriously" come back. A bit embarr***** that it took me so long to realize that I still had the old Calendar Sync service running on my desktop PC which was continuously sending my Outlook calendar to Google. So I was changing things using my phone or Google Calendar only to have Outlook keep syncing it's old events back to Google.
Now things are behaving more normally.