S.L.I released a tweak (in CAB form) to integrate his Thumbcal:
into MobileShell!!!! Here is the OP from him:
Originally Posted by s.l.i
While the new version is still in work, I've managed to integrate ThumbCal into SPB Mobile Shell 2.x.
- Please download and unzip the attached file.
- Copy the 2 files onto your device, in favour into the ThumbCal installation folder.
- Run the file "ThumbCalSPBShellReg.exe"
- Click "yes" to register the ThumbCal Plugin in Mobile Shell / Click "no" to unregister it
- Now a tap on SPB's now screen calendar or on an appointment should open ThumbCal on the specific date in day view
- There will also be shortcuts availabale in the Plannings menu: - Calendar (ThumbCal)
- New Appointment
- Today
- This Week
- This Month
Please consider that this is an early beta.
A tap on "This Week" and "This Month" will open ThumbCal in the last view mode. This is a problem in 1.2.5 and downwards and will get fixed with the next release.
For the next release of ThumbCal I will improve the Mobile Shell Plugin to show ThumbCal's icons and maybe localized text.
(I haven't tried it yet (just posted), but I will very soon, so I will post results as soon as I do!!)