Need some help with Opera
Hi All,
I'm hoping someone can help me with a very stupid problem that I should be able to figure out on my own but can't. I tried installing Juggalos Opera build 15233, didn't like it and tried 15xxx(15316 I think). Didn't like that either, I tried to unistall it and go back to my cooked in version 2808. I have a CDMA Diamond and I'm on Juicy rom 3.9 still(mulitiselect is a must for me). Opera works fine and loads as fast as ever but the loading png is blank. I tried copying opera_loading_POR_16bit.png back to the windows folder but it still loads blank. I know it's trivial but it's just plain ugly, can anyone help me figure this out. I know Juggalos version had opera in the application data folder I'm wondering if a registry setting or opera setting got changed. I know I could always hard reset but I'm really trying to avoid it cause I haven't setup sashimi for this phone and it has a ton of tweaks and such that I wouldn't remember them all. Any suggestions would be great, thanks...