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  #911 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2009, 10:32 AM
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I think Pandora has to be stored on the device itself and not the storage card.
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  #912 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2009, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by richards108 View Post
ok so installed Pandora on my tp and for a day it worked jst fine now im getting this error

program:\storage card\program
file:C:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\ce\include\vector
expression: vector subscript out of range

i tried doing some searching found a closed thread about it but it never listed a fix. does any1 have and idea how i can correct this. im running mighty rom 4 btw. any info would be great

I am having this same issue, but I do have it installed on the device. I was running SSK WM6.5 on the TP (VZW if it matters) and it worked for 1 day and then received the error. I reflashed to DCD's 6.5 and it worked for about 4 days and now receiving this error again:

Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library

Debug Assertion Failed!

Program: \Program Files\Pandora\Pandora.EXE
File: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\ce\include\vector
Line: 756
Expression: vector subscript out of range

(Press Retry to debug the application)

I get 3 options to choose from: Abort, Retry, or Ignore. Regardless of which one I press, I get the same error message again. Upon pushing one a 2nd time, the application closes itself. I have tried VGA+IVAN1.cab, VGA-Pandora.cab, and pandora.cab listed on page 66 of this forum by Ivan. I have my TCP Windows size set to 98304, and why the app works for a day or so and then stops is beyond me. There are no changes being performed on the device, a side from new emails that are being received. Ideas from anyone is greatly appreciated.


When I press Retry, the 2nd message that comes up is slightly different. The line is now 757 and the Expression is ("Standard C++ Libraries Out of Range",0)

Last edited by TripleNad; 09-22-2009 at 09:16 AM. Reason: More info
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  #913 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by TripleNad View Post
I am having this same issue, but I do have it installed on the device. I was running SSK WM6.5 on the TP (VZW if it matters) and it worked for 1 day and then received the error. I reflashed to DCD's 6.5 and it worked for about 4 days and now receiving this error again:

Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library

Debug Assertion Failed!

Program: \Program Files\Pandora\Pandora.EXE
File: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\ce\include\vector
Line: 756
Expression: vector subscript out of range

(Press Retry to debug the application)

I get 3 options to choose from: Abort, Retry, or Ignore. Regardless of which one I press, I get the same error message again. Upon pushing one a 2nd time, the application closes itself. I have tried VGA+IVAN1.cab, VGA-Pandora.cab, and pandora.cab listed on page 66 of this forum by Ivan. I have my TCP Windows size set to 98304, and why the app works for a day or so and then stops is beyond me. There are no changes being performed on the device, a side from new emails that are being received. Ideas from anyone is greatly appreciated.


When I press Retry, the 2nd message that comes up is slightly different. The line is now 757 and the Expression is ("Standard C++ Libraries Out of Range",0)
Same problem on Calks 6.51 rom. If I use pandora w/o the vga fix it works.
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  #914 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 04:28 PM
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thank you soooo much. i downloaded the .cab file from my phone and its working great including the volume buttons. thank you thank you thank you. btw i have a samsung i617 (blackjack 2) running win mobile 6.1 runs great.
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  #915 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2009, 11:58 AM
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Okay , so I've tried everyone of the cabs on the first page . NOTHING ! Not one of them works , by works I mean that none of them play the song all the way threw . It gets about half way then switches . Everything else is good . Just the song won't play all the way . No , I'm not the most savy when it comes to modding my phone . But ,can't someone just make a CAB that does all the stuff for you ?
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  #916 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2009, 03:04 PM
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Cool Pandora C++ Possible Fix...

For those of you having the C++ error message when first opening Pandora, I may have a solution for you that does not involve

a hard-reset.

Here is the error:
Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library

Debug Assertion Failed!

Program: \Program Files\Pandora\Pandora.exe
File: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\ce\include\vector
Line: 756
Expression: vector subscript out of range

After spending quite a bit of time researching this error message, it seemed to point to software installed on the device. So, I ran a sprite backup and backed up the entire system, hard-reset my FUZE, then installed Pandora. It worked. So, I tried to narrow the problem down after restoring my device. I tried uninstalling everything from the phone, which still did not do the trick without doing a hard-reset. So, I started looking around the registry for remaining software entries that were supposed to be uninstalled. Deleted all of them, and still had the same C++ error.

Then I stumbled across the registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software.
I chose not to include this registry folder in my backup, performed a hard-reset, and then everything was working as it should minus some of my programs. But, Pandora did work then... So, after restoring again, I focused on the Microsoft folder since that is where the error was coming from.

I wasn't able to locate the actual problem within the folder, but I did delete it successfully while still having full functionality of my phone and its programs installed on it including all of their saved settings and everything. It also seemed that the folder and all of its entries just gets recreated when you delete it. It is needed my the system... And, now Pandora works without causing any other problems!!!

So, this may or may not fix the problem on your phone (I do not know). But, it worked like a charm for me. Using your favorite registry editor (on device... had trouble with permissions for Mobile Registry Editor PC) navigate to the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft and delete it.

My Pandora started working immediately, but I recommend doing a soft-reset just to assure all the Microsoft folder entries are re-created.

Like I said, this may or may not work for you. All I can tell you is that it did work on my FUZE when I had over 50 programs installed. I hope it works for you too.

UPDATE: This did knock out my ability to Sync with my computer using Device Central. Now, this is leading me to believe the prblem is with ActiveSync.

Last edited by bkress; 09-28-2009 at 03:22 PM.
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  #917 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 03:41 AM
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Thumbs up Pandora C++ Mystery Solved!!!

Ok, after working on this a bit more, I think I have solved the problem.

After deleting each folder within the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft folder in the registry, I finally narrowed it down to a Windows Medi Player problem. It turns out to be not so much of a problem, but more of a bug. THe issue is when a user has Windows Medi Player Mobile set to shuffle. If you turn it off, the C++ error goes away.

Here are a few ways you can do it:
1. Fire up Windows Media Player Mobile (Start\Programs\Windows Media)
- choose Now Playing
- click Menu, then Shuffle/Repeat
- make sure there isnt a checkmark next to Shuffle.
- Fire up Pandora.

2. Using your favorite registry editor
- Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shuffle
- Set value to 0, save and exit
- Fire up Pandora.

3. For those who are lazy , I have put #2 into a cab file for your convienience.
- Install cab,
- Fire up Pandora.

I cannot say if this will work on other devices, but it is the deciding factor on my HTC FUZE with stock ROM and Radio of whether or not I can use Pandora on my phone.

I do hope this helps all of you having the problem mentioned about the two C++ errors crippling Pandora from connecting. It has definitely made me a happy camper.

For some reason the cab is not wanting to upload... So, grab it here (http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...92#post4629192) or PM me and I will send you link to it on my server.
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  #918 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 11:36 AM
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Re: Pandora C++ Mystery Solved!!!

Originally Posted by bkress View Post
Ok, after working on this a bit more, I think I have solved the problem.

After deleting each folder within the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft folder in the registry, I finally narrowed it down to a Windows Medi Player problem. It turns out to be not so much of a problem, but more of a bug. THe issue is when a user has Windows Medi Player Mobile set to shuffle. If you turn it off, the C++ error goes away.

Here are a few ways you can do it:
1. Fire up Windows Media Player Mobile (Start\Programs\Windows Media)
- choose Now Playing
- click Menu, then Shuffle/Repeat
- make sure there isnt a checkmark next to Shuffle.
- Fire up Pandora.

2. Using your favorite registry editor
- Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shuffle
- Set value to 0, save and exit
- Fire up Pandora.

3. For those who are lazy , I have put #2 into a cab file for your convienience.
- Install cab,
- Fire up Pandora.

I cannot say if this will work on other devices, but it is the deciding factor on my HTC FUZE with stock ROM and Radio of whether or not I can use Pandora on my phone.

I do hope this helps all of you having the problem mentioned about the two C++ errors crippling Pandora from connecting. It has definitely made me a happy camper.

For some reason the cab is not wanting to upload... So, grab it here (http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...92#post4629192) or PM me and I will send you link to it on my server.

Wierd.... this worked for me as well. I did have my WMP set to shuffle all my Mp3's. Once I turned shuffle off, Pandora started working again on my TP. Thanks for your help man.
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  #919 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 11:37 AM
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Re: Pandora C++ Mystery Solved!!!

Originally Posted by bkress View Post
Ok, after working on this a bit more, I think I have solved the problem.

After deleting each folder within the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft folder in the registry, I finally narrowed it down to a Windows Medi Player problem. It turns out to be not so much of a problem, but more of a bug. THe issue is when a user has Windows Medi Player Mobile set to shuffle. If you turn it off, the C++ error goes away.

Here are a few ways you can do it:
1. Fire up Windows Media Player Mobile (Start\Programs\Windows Media)
- choose Now Playing
- click Menu, then Shuffle/Repeat
- make sure there isnt a checkmark next to Shuffle.
- Fire up Pandora.

2. Using your favorite registry editor
- Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shuffle
- Set value to 0, save and exit
- Fire up Pandora.

3. For those who are lazy , I have put #2 into a cab file for your convienience.
- Install cab,
- Fire up Pandora.

I cannot say if this will work on other devices, but it is the deciding factor on my HTC FUZE with stock ROM and Radio of whether or not I can use Pandora on my phone.

I do hope this helps all of you having the problem mentioned about the two C++ errors crippling Pandora from connecting. It has definitely made me a happy camper.

For some reason the cab is not wanting to upload... So, grab it here (http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...92#post4629192) or PM me and I will send you link to it on my server.
wow man u just fixed mine after god knows how long, thanks!
I cooked with Calkulins 6.5.1 23414

Just hit the THANKS for me being........well, me...

Calkulin's Visual WVGA Kitchen v1.6 R3 Mirror
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  #920 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 12:17 PM
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No problem... It was driving me crazy and I did not want to believe that a hard-reset was the answer. So hours and hours of testing later, I think I have found the solution.

Glad I could help...
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