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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2008, 04:13 PM
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G-Sensor Applications/Games

Seen this thread XDA and figured would post it up here for those who do not venture over to XDA. Pretty good collection and I have tried quite a few of them. Feel free to add to this.
Lightsaber............. Video Removed
Lunar Tilt ............. Video
Sensor Maze
G-Invaders ............. Video.....................<update 09-01-03>
Diamond Beer v2 ............. Video........................<Updated 08-10-16>
Magic 8 Ball
Sensory Overload ............. Video
Diamond VR Hologram............. Video
Diamond Cubes Dice Simulator ............. Video...........................<Updated 08-11-02>
PocketGravity - G-sensor enabled physics simulator ............. Video
DoubleSkill - Gsensor enabled game
Resco Bubbles Teeter-like commercial Game ........ Video
G-Flow G-sensor stylish game ....... Video
YAGBT (G-Sensor ball game) ............. Video
TouchDown (platform-like helicopter game)
GPong2D (G-Sensor Pong Game) ............. Video......................<added 08-10-19>
BeMario Act the role of Mario in real life, with sound effects....... Video (demonstrated on a G1).................<Added 08-11-23>
Spin the bottle (Spin the bottle simulator) . ...................... Video....................... <added 08-11-24>
Navtris G-sensor and Navi-wheel Tetris game ....... Video.........................<updated 08-12-13>
SnowStorm 2 Simulated snow globe ....... Video.........................<added 08-12-08>
Marble World 2 Commercial Marble Madness game ...........<added 08-12-27>
Gravity Balls Space Invaders type Game ...........<added 09-02-20>
Aquarium Floating G-sensor-responsive fish ...........<added 09-03-04>
Shake and Win Magic 8 ball game...........<added 09-04-25>
Ball Physics Ball and gravity simulation game...........<added 09-04-25>
Gravity Pong Pong game using G-sensor...........<added 09-04-25>
Boing Bouncing Ball platformer...........<added 09-04-25>

Kai's Bubble Level.Net
Water Level / Spirit Level
Waterlevel 0.2............. Video
Diamond Profile Switcher
Diamond Shaker
Klaxon G Sensor Enabled Alarm Clock......................<Updated 08-10-21>
G-Controller Viewflo for HTC Diamond
Gyrator 2
....Now works with ALL Diamond/Touch Pro Varients ................ <updated 08-10-13>
G-Remote G-Mouse ............. Video......................<updated 08-11-11>
Official G-Sensor callibrator for HTC Diamond
SensorLock ............. Video...............<Updated 08-10-01>
Seismo G-Force seismometer app ............. Video
Styluslock v1.6 Lock Diamond using stylus sensor ............. Video.................<updated 08-11-10>
GStopwatch Start and stop the stop watch by flipping your phone
Crazy Musik - change current track using g-sensor ............. Video
G-Alarm G-sensor-enabled alarm app..............................<update 08-10-31>
PocketShield - Advanced device lock software using g-sensor and light sensor ............. Video
Flipit (GNes- derived screen rotation app) .....................<added 08-11-20>
Answerkey Disabler Stop onscreen phone keys from answering call, disabled using stylus sensor .....................<added 08-10-20>
G-Light Replace automatic backlight adjustment with your own settings.....................<Updated 08-11-04>
TouchLockPro v1.9 (capacitive sensor-based phone lock application) . ......................<Updated 08-12-21>
LevelSight (auto-backlight app) . ......................<added 08-11-16>
Lumos (Complete HTC Auto-Backlight replacement) . ......................<added 08-11-30>
GScroll - scroll using the capacitive navi-pad ............. Video.......................<added 08-12-08>
G-Locker - Gesture-based phone locker ............. <added 08-12-14>
virtual d-pad - G-sensor based cursor control for the HTC Touch HD............. <added 09-01-22>
SensorScroll v0.5 - Scroll using the Navi-wheel on the HTC Touch Diamond/Pro............. <added 09-01-26>
Touch In Call Tweak - Stops screen blanking during phone calls............. <added 09-03-04>
G-Config - Easy configuration of new G-Sensor screen rotation service............. <added 09-03-04>
Shake and Win - Generate lottery numbers by shaking your phone............. <added 09-04-25>

3D Model Viewer ............. Video
Pocket G-Force G-force recording app ............. Video .............. <Update 08-11-11>
Black Box G Logger
gMeter Car G-Force measuring app.
Diamond/Omnia G-Sensor SDK The SDK that makes it all possible.........................<added 08-10-04>
GL Maps G-sensor responsive google maps viewer with seattle bus info......... <Added 08-10-14>
Pedometer Measure your steps and calorie usage......... <Updated 08-12-16>
Shocktester Visualize G-sensor output......... <Updated 09-01-04>
Dont Touch Me G-sensor based burglar alarm......... <Added 09-01-022

Many apps need .Net CF, which can be downloaded in cab form here.

Credit to surur at XDA for his post here [Ref] Sensor Applications

Last edited by tsowen; 05-13-2009 at 03:39 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2008, 06:05 PM
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Re: G-Sensor Applications/Games

Im thinking about installing the Gyrator. Just wanted to get some thoughts from the members. Any major bugs, or issues to be aware of?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2008, 09:05 PM
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Re: G-Sensor Applications/Games

Originally Posted by mykers View Post
Im thinking about installing the Gyrator. Just wanted to get some thoughts from the members. Any major bugs, or issues to be aware of?
Haven't messed with it but I can give it a shot to see of anything I notice.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2008, 09:07 PM
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Re: G-Sensor Applications/Games


I wish the light saber app were a bit more sensitive, but other than that, great collection!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2008, 09:22 PM
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Re: G-Sensor Applications/Games

Originally Posted by saumaun View Post

I wish the light saber app were a bit more sensitive, but other than that, great collection!
Don't quote me but last I checked with the guy who made it, he was going to come out with another version. Same with most of these apps checking the original post of them most have been provided feedback such as the magic 8 ball and have said they will make an updated version (when that is who knows). I will do my best to keep this thread up-to-date.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2008, 09:27 PM
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Re: G-Sensor Applications/Games

Originally Posted by tsowen View Post
Don't quote me but last I checked with the guy who made it, he was going to come out with another version. Same with most of these apps checking the original post of them most have been provided feedback such as the magic 8 ball and have said they will make an updated version (when that is who knows). I will do my best to keep this thread up-to-date.
Thanks for the heads-up! I'll check it out.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 03:20 PM
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Re: G-Sensor Applications/Games

Originally Posted by ⌥ saumaun ☢ View Post

I wish the light saber app were a bit more sensitive, but other than that, great collection!
This is going to sound odd, but try turning off the Random Option in Media Player, and see if it works bettter... (This is the same bug that is in Pandora) I discovered the Diamond VR Hologram did not work correctly till I did this... Just a thought...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2009, 01:25 PM
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Re: G-Sensor Applications/Games

Holy moly if I wanted to play these type of games I'll just bust out my old Sega Game Gear and have more fun. There has to be a way to put some descent games on this phone. I mean unless the phone just cant do it?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-27-2009, 01:48 PM
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Re: G-Sensor Applications/Games

Nice guys, looking to pick up a Touch Pro and this list looks put together pretty well. Thanks!

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2008, 09:30 AM
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Re: G-Sensor Applications/Games

thanks bro i've been looking for a few of these app
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