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Old 11-23-2008, 06:04 PM
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Thumbs up GPS coordinates through text msg to Google Maps

About seven years ago I created a huge piece of electronics that combined a Siemens phone (through serial port) and a huge GPS (from an automtive brand) to a chunky system capable of sending text messages holding my current GPS position. Nowadays there are numerous embedded devices doing this in very small packages. Then the PPC world added features like this.

I was still not happy with the back end. Messages got lost, couldn't be grouped, edited, downloaded etc. So I started working on POI66.com.

Nowadays the website mentions a number of free apps that allow to send your current GPS position through text message (SMS) to a server that supports 50+ different formats. Some are Symbian, many are PPC. I use LocateMe a lot, from a good developer Frank Dahlslett in Norway.

The site is http://www.poi66.com The number is +31638157313.

If you send your messages to this number (no extra charge/no return messages), other people can register for updates through email. The route is immediately visible at Google Maps, Google Earth, and has downloads for TomTom POI, GPX, or any other format downloadable.

You have to register by text message first (see the FAQ) to make sure your number is connected to your account.

Registering: send
USER BERNIE (or some other name)
to the number. Check the site's main page whether you are recognized. Takes 5 sec.

That worked. Now create an album to group your positions, send
tp the number.

Now you can start sending GPS coordinates using any format that suits you. Text messages, but also HTTP over GPRS or just your browser at home.

General format for adding positions is:
GP <latitude> <longitude> <some log text>
GP 41.86956 -87.62695 Windy here! Must be the city.

I'm sure you can have a lot of fun. Check out the free PPC apps to overcome the clumsy typing. Press a button and your trip is public. Or not, the hide it in the config (again: FAQ).

I hope you enkoy it as much as I did building it. Hosting is as fast as possible as I can pay for (as POI66 is free of charge, I can't afford a server park).

Remember: no charge, no recurring cost, no subscription, just fun.
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