Ok so now that I added rss feeds I figure I would post a rss reader for the pocket pc. Its called pRSSreader, and I think its the best free rss reader I have tried. Anyway if you would like to check it out you can check out the developers site or download the attached and install to ur ppc. For more information on our feeds see this thread.
Notes: After a soft reset you will not see the windows splash screen, don't panic it will load. And for some reason when trying to update the channels via wifi you get a could not connect error, but works fine on 1x. ~mike
just tried it myself, and got the same thing, its all good tho..... I wonder why its doing that, and this is the best free one I have found, so I guess I will deal with it......because the rss feeds are cool. Cant you tell I just started using, learning what a rss feed was.
~mike |
you can't delete it, it cache the info. So to remove it after u mark it read, u go to file/hide read items. also if u have a minisd I would move the cache to it, by going tools/options/cache.
~mike |