oldies but goodies
found this thread by google searching. got some apps i recognize, some others i dont. love the weatherapp. free and reliable. theres links to all the web sites to get the most up to date versions. figured someone( moslty noobs like myself) would get some use out of this.
http://discuss.treocentral.com/archi.../t-103455.html Disclamer.... Thes all work well on my PPC-6700, They should work well on your Treo 700w. If you have started installing apps/info on your phone, I recomend you start with the first program on the list. Programs of interest�� All have been tested on a PPC-6700 WM5 device... Sprite Back Up Software for WM5 (Beta) http://www.spritesoftware.com/forum/...pic.php?t=1836 Agile Messenger IM for PPC (Free) http://updates.am-im.net/AgileMessengerPPC.exe Call SMS Blocker � (will do for now until Vware upgrades Callfilter to work on PPC) http://www.handango.com/PlatformProd...79943&R=179943 ADBWeather Plus v3.14 Mobile weather for your today screen (Free) http://www.happyjackroad.net/pocketp...us/weather.asp Style Tap - run Palm Apps from your PPC http://styletap.com/ PPCProfiles-Pro - profile app similar to �milian�s� Profiles (Free) http://www.modaco.com/Latest_Version-t205779.html MemMaid 1.5 � Memory Manager and database cleaner http://www.pocketgear.com/software_detail.asp?id=14279 HandySwitcher 2.5 - a task management program http://www.pocketgear.com/software_detail.asp?id=10982 Pocket XM Radio Pro http://www.pocketgear.com/software_detail.asp?id=19811 Remote Display Control for Pocket PC (Like PDA Reach) (FREE) http://download.microsoft.com/downlo.../remotedsp.exe Virtual Earth � like �Google earth� and �k-maps� rolled in to one!(FREE) http://www.viavirtualearth.com/vve/G.../VEMobile.ashx TCPMP The Core Pocket Media Player for WM (FREE) http://corecodec.org/frs/?group_id=5...se_id=224#r224 PocketNester v0.7a � NES Emulator for PPC (FREE) http://www.freewareppc.com/utilities/pocketnester.shtml PHM Registry Editor v0.70 (FREE) http://www.freewareppc.com/utilities...ryeditor.shtml Enjoy!!! |
i was actually surprised how quickly virtual earth loaded the maps whenever you zoomed or panned. i guess thats evdo for ya :S also nice that it doesnt take long to load the app itself. A+, in my book
ajk511, love the list. keep the good stuff coming =)
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