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Old 08-21-2008, 12:58 PM
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S2U2 Weather_Wallpaper changer

I see a lot of interest is perking up in the customization thread, so I figured I would make it an official thread to help people install and use this script + wallpaper for S2U2. Basically it is a mortscript that allows S2U2 to change the entire wallpaper depending on the weather feed, both animated ans static images.

Here is the link and the files:

Originally Posted by superflysocal View Post
A mortscript that changes s2u2 wallpaper based on current weather condition. Now there is support for Weatherpanel, HTC Weather, and the original Yahoo feed (based on notiweather script)

FOR INFO ON ANIMATED WALLPAPERS, see post #4 (but if you don't have this installed already, finish reading this first post first!)
post #4: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...30#post2182530

I wanted a way to change the wallpaper of s2u2 wallaper based of the weather forecast.

Since Schettj has created such a fantastic script to user Userweather without a weather app (feed from yahoo), the easiest way for me to start was just build on this, so many thanks to schettj for building a fantastic script.

I have now added scripts for Weather Panel and HTC Weather support that doesn't require data connection. (except for the WP and HTC weather application update itself) Please note that since HTC weather does not autoupdate, there will be times of discrepancy between what htc weather shows and s2u2 wallpaper show. In other words, after you manually update HTC weather, s2u2 wallpaper won't reflect this until the next time the script is scheduled to run (which depends on delayhour variable). This is why I was never crazy about writing a version for HTC weather. For weatherpanel version it is best that you set weatherpanel application to update more often or same as the WeatherWallpaperWP.mscr script.

Create a folder that have 48 wallpapers in jpg from 0.jpg, 1.jpg...47.jpg corresponding to the different weather forecast icons. Or use one of the wallpaper set I have below.

Notiweather link:

S2U2 link:

Sample Customizations

1. Also, to display current , high and lo temp in notiweather change the weather line to this:
weather="C|"&code&"| "&temp&"º H"&hitemp&"º\L"&lotemp&"º"
There should be about 5 or 6 spaces between &code&"| and ", but I don't know why it is not displayed correctly.
(Edit: Current version implements this already)

2. I believe animated gifs would be possible if you change the part in bold again above from ".jpg" to ".gif" and fill the folder full of gifs.
(Edit: On current version, just change the wallpapertype variable at the top to = ".gif" instead of ".jpg", make sure to include quotes)

Update: WeatherWallpaper v0.36 (yahoo only): line 176 fixed with missing ")"

Update: WeatherWallpaper v 0.35 and .35u
A slight modification to the script that will hopefully fix some of the refresh issues. I have ran this for a week and have not encountered coming out of standby without S2U2 lock screen coming up. Please let me know how it goes for you. I also have made a new naming convention. The "u" version refers to the version of the script which will display Last Updated time (like the old v.33). Again, this "u" version will be posted on the third post like before. Thanks goes out to Holmann.

Update: WeatherWallpaper v0.33
I also made a version of WeatherWallpaper for HTC, Yahoo, and Weather Panel that displays the last updated time (version .33). This can be found on the third post on this page. If you don't want the last updated time displayed, then use the version on this first post. Update v.33b: got rid of the extra 0 bug ie 007:30

Update: WeatherWallpaper v 0.32
- don't use v.31, there's a bug. Please use v0.32 for WP only.

Update: WeatherWallpaper v 0.31
- small bugfix. on WP version only, at night slide forecast may display -9999

UPDATE: WeatherWallpaper version 0.3
- contains updated versions for Weatherpanel and Yahoo. HTC version is unchanged.
- updated versions for WP and Yahoo now has a new variable slideforecast:
slideforecast=0 (default) no change to slide2unlock text
slideforecast=1 slide2unlock text will display daily forecast (match lower left icon if s2u2 weather is set to userweather)
slideforecast=2 slide2unlock text will display current condition (match wallpaper)
Please note this feature is for S2U2 v 1.02 or higher (preferably 1.05 or higher). Do not change the slideforecast variable if you are running v 1.01 or less.

Please note if you change slideforecast to 1 or 2 and then decide to change back to 0, the display will not automatically revert back to whatever it is you have ( ie "slide to unlock"). You will have to change it back your self using this utility by l3v5y or through registry edit:

WeatherWallpaper version 0.2:

- Now contains three scripts, WeatherWallpaperYah0.2.mscr (for standalone use getting weather data from yahoo feed), WeatherWallpaperWP0.2.mscr (for WeatherPanel), and WeatherWallpaperHTC0.2.mscr (for HTC Weather). You only need one of these scripts!

- Two new user settings at the top of the script:

# folder containing your weather wallpaper
wallpaperfolder = "\storage card\my documents\download\wallpaper\weather\"

# wallpaper type jpg or gif
wallpapertype= ".jpg"

- Display is now set at Current temp followed by High and Low temp, but only if you select Userweather in S2U2. For example:
80º H86º\L71º

- Also, it now only writes into registry and "update" s2u2 if the current condition has changed, avoiding too many s2u2 updates, which can cause some delay in s2u2 sometimes.

- Please note that the wallpaper by default is based on current condition (ccode) while the lower left icon is based on forecast (code), so it may not be the same sometimes. i did this on purpose because, with current conditions, the wallpaper will change more often, like 3-4 times a day, giving it a nicer effect. If it was forecast it would chnage like 1-2 times a day.

PocketWeather users: rifraf1 has written a script that supposedly works with PocketWeather. However, I will not be supporting this since I don't have PW installed, but feel free to try. See this link. Thanks rifraf1!!

Wallpaper Update

There are now three sets of wallpaper to choose from. My original vision was to use natural appearing wallpapers that shows the weather forecast. Obviously it has been hard to find for all 47 situations. I have about 10 or so and have filled up the remainder using Bliss Alive for WAD from Doreen at Lakeridgesoftware.com forum. This is now called Wallpaper MyCombo0.3.zip.

It appears that some or most of your would rather us use a more related computerized graphic set, so i have also included the complete set I made from Bliss Alive from Doreen. This is called Wallpaper Bliss Alive.zip. See pics from post #6 below.
Update 5-27-2008: Bliss Alive 0.3 is posted. Cleaned up the graphics for nicer look on PPC.

There is a third set which is a modification of Bliss Alive made by Bob_55 from SBSH forum. This is called samurize.zip. See post #5.

You can mix or match the jpgs.

Still waiting for someone to step up and provide a complete set of animated gifs. I have seen some but not enough to make a set.

1. download one of the wallpaper set below and extract and place in any folder you like.
2. install mortscript 4.1, and s2u2 at least v 1.01
3. download WeatherWallpaper0.2.zip and extract the three mscr files: WeatherWallpaperYah0.2.mscr (for standalone use getting weather data from yahoo feed), WeatherWallpaperWP0.2.mscr (for WeatherPanel), and WeatherWallpaperHTC0.2.mscr (for HTC Weather). You only need one of these!!
4. edit the .mscr file of your choice with Notepad on PC and change the following data:

wallpaperfolder (where your weather wallpapers are located from #1 above)
wallpapertype (jpg or gif, leave as ".jpg" if using any wallpaper set from here)

For Weathepanel and Yahoo versions only also change:
units (f or c, fahrenheit or celsius)
location (where you are located, see http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/ on finding your location)
delayhours (how often you want it to update)

5. save this mortscript and transfer to ppc in \windows\startup\
6. tap to run it or soft reset. you should see data activity (in yahoo version)
7. see links for notiweather and or s2u2 for further details


There appears to be issues arising espceially when using custom Roms or foreign language users. this script was written under the presumption that s2u2 was installed in standard location as well as weatherpanel (if you are using that). If you are having these issues try these two helpful posts:


If you are using the latest Mortscript 4.11b you may have issues as well. Or you unit may be looking to connect to "Internet" instead of "The Internet". Look at this post:

If you cannot get the forecast to show on the slider (and the registry info is correct), see this thread (thanks Holman):

Schettj for original notiweather script
alanlsmith for the WP script version. His original version is on page 4 of this thread.
toniolol for help with HTC weather script


There are a lot of other tweaks to the script and wallpaper sets at this thread!!!

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Old 08-21-2008, 01:00 PM
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Re: S2U2 Weather_Wallpaper changer

saved for more info/wallpaper sets!!

Another really cool tweak!!!!

Originally Posted by alanlsmith View Post
Sorry for the delay, here is my contribution, attached is the script to display WeatherPanel data on the S2U2 screen, the wallpaper reflects the current conditions & the icon is the forecast, it shows the day forecast icon between 6AM - 6PM & the night forecast icon between 6PM - 6AM

The Wallpaper for S2U2 needs to be in \Storage Card\Weather_Wallpaper
As before you can choose what data is displayed on the screen as text by changing the line near the end of the script to display1, display2, etc. Fairly full explanation is in the script.
More sets will be added as I can!!
Attached Files
File Type: zip S2U2_Weather_from_WeatherPanel.zip (1.7 KB, 81 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by syrguy1969; 08-21-2008 at 01:05 PM.
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Old 08-21-2008, 01:06 PM
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Re: S2U2 Weather_Wallpaper changer

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Old 08-21-2008, 01:09 PM
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Re: S2U2 Weather_Wallpaper changer

Originally Posted by CyberMonkey View Post
It is, and had really cool functions, but as Goddbody pointed out, it is tricky at times, and personally I don't use it because it does take a bit more memory (both running and main) and battery life as well!! I will try to add wallpaper sets and screen-shots as I go!!
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Old 08-21-2008, 01:11 PM
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Re: S2U2 Weather_Wallpaper changer

Originally Posted by syrguy1969 View Post
saved for more info/wallpaper sets!!

Another really cool tweak!!!!

More sets will be added as I can!!
Now I've gotta find my reg code for weatherpanel! Thanks!
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

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Old 08-21-2008, 01:44 PM
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Re: S2U2 Weather_Wallpaper changer

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
Now I've gotta find my reg code for weatherpanel! Thanks!
You shouldn't need one, it is basically free, it never expires. The author went AWOL a few years ago.
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Old 09-13-2008, 01:20 PM
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Re: S2U2 Weather_Wallpaper changer

I can't get it to work, what lines have to changed in the script:

I keep getting the message:

programfiles\marsware\weatherpanel\data\UKXX0069-forecast couldn't be opened
Line: forcastdata = readfile(forecastfile)

What should I do? I live in the netherlands (location code NLXX0004)

I changed the locatio, now i don't get an error but still no wallpaper in S2U2

What am I doing wrong

Last edited by vedette; 09-13-2008 at 01:50 PM.
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