Need Suggestions for Various Apps for Verizon XV6800
What's up everyone new to the site. I love all the information definitely aided in my search for help with my PDA. Anyways to the point I recently purchased the Verizon XV6800 and am interested in adding some useful apps. However as you all know there are so many to choose from its hard to pick out the best ones. I'd appreciate some help finding apps for the following:
Contacts Manager:
I've tried PocketCM. I liked aspects of it but it seems to have slowed my phone. I'd definitely like try out another option.
Messaging App:
I've heard good things about Slick, IM+, Palringo, etc. Just curious what everyone's personal experience has been especially if you own the XV6800.
Mp3 Ringtone:
For whatever reason, not sure if this rings true with all PDA/Smartphones, but I am only able to use default ringtones with my XV6800 unless installing an outside app. I've used Ringo in the past and had success however I'd like to find a free option if its out there.
Finally if anyone has any other programs/apps they can't live without go ahead and throw them out there. I'd like to get a lot more out of this phone than I currently am. Thanks in advance.